Chapter 31

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Your POV

When Rayan asked to renew our vows all the boldness I had in me completely left my body I wasn't ready for that question let alone a relationship with the man I have both good and awful memories with.

Rayan:"Yn you don't have to answer now its just a thought that I was thinking about for a few months now"

I still was too shocked to answer him to be honest I had love for Rayan but getting back together is something I can't see myself doing right now and with Jacob telling me his feelings and with everything else my head is just not in the right state at this moment.

You:"Rayan I .....-"

I got cut off by a little boy standing on the stairs ,he was so tiny and adorable

???:"Daddy I hungry"

He said as Ray got up and got him helping him down the stairs has he rubbed his little eyes with his tiny fingers.

Ray placed him in the high chair next to me before fixing him a plate of the fruits and yogurt I made earlier in a small spongebob bowl with a Patrick spoon and gave it to the boy .

Rayan:"Yn this is Rayan Jr. RJ for short umm Zonnique and I son I was telling you about"

I could sense the nervousness in his voice as I looked at the little boy then back at him as I saw the resemblance they had .

RJ:"Your pretty , are you my nanny"

I smiled at his adorableness he was so cute.

You:"No sweety "

Rj:"Aweeee"*pouts* "Daddy she's really pretty can she feed me"

Rayan: "Rj your 3 years old you can feed yourself "

You:"No Ray its ok"

I grabbed Rj's spoon and started feeding him the fruits and yogurt unlike his bitch of a mother he has manners

Rj: I like you, your nice . Mommy's friends are not nice to me

When he said that i looked at Ray worriedly

You: What do you mean sweetie?

Rj: mommy would let her friends be mean to me it hurt *sniffles while rubbing his eyes*

I looked up from a crying Rj to a furiously looking Rayan . Before i could say anything Ray grabbed his car keys before i could stop him and left the house.

I looked back at Rj while i wiped his tears pulling him out of his high chair rocking him in my arms

Like i knew Zonnique was stupid but not that stupid to harm an 3 year old child psychically. I mean I knew she was mental but not that mental . I shook my head has I called Rj down then continued to feed him when I realized he had purple marks on his back when his shirt rod up a bit I couldn't hold back the tears who would do this to a 3 year old child it makes my blood boil

Rj: "Mommy said not to let anyone see those, please don't tell my mommy"

He cried louder grabbing on to me has he cried I couldn't hear him , I couldn't see him, the pain he been through, the fear he gained, all the pain and suffering that bitch gave her own son I was beyond furious how could she do this to her son does she want to die.

You: "Kedan" I yelled to the top of my lungs.

Kedan: " Yes momma"

You: "Get y'all stuff and make sure your sister is packed I'm taking you guys back to Jacob while I go on a trip"

Kedan: " Okay momma"

If this bitch thinks she can get away with what she did to her own son she got another thing coming ......

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