XIX: Omega

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My barren land, I am ash from your fire. -hoax (T.S)

Another chapter! Thank you all for still reading this, I promise to finish this no matter what! Enjoy.

TW: Violence, blood. 


The night was already deep when the sound came again, a soft metallic clink echoing like a soft drop of water in a narrow container.

Pete listened carefully, trying to stay wary of the noises around him. He wanted to open his eyes and check his surroundings, but his eyes felt too heavy to open. He couldn't make much sense of the sounds, although he felt the sense of danger in the air. It felt as if something impending was waiting for his eyes to open and drag him completely into the darkness.

Clink. Clank.

Is it coming from inside his chamber? Maybe from outside?

Pete was unsure if he rolled to his side, he was certain he instructed his body to move, but he could still feel the heaviness of the mattress against his back. The darkness still surrounded him with his closed eyelids. He swore he tried talking, but he couldn't hear his own voice.


This time the sound was louder. It still sounded far, but the danger it brought on felt really close.

Way too close.

Pete could also hear the loud pounding of his heart, hammering against his chest, echoing in his ears. He started to breathe fast, desperately instructing his body to move.



That was the sound of the locks on his doors. It was turning.

Someone was trying to get in.

The thought of it slithered through his mind like a snake sliding in the dark. A chill ran down his spine. Pete felt fear coursing through his veins like poison in his blood. His mind was wide awake, but his body was paralyzed.


Pete struggled, pleading to his body to respond. Just a single twitch of a finger, or a slight turn of his head; but his body remained unresponsive, frozen in fear and dread. The unknown presence outside his door was unnerving. He could feel his heart squeezing in his chest. He was helpless.


His heart became deafeningly loud. Panic bursted through his chest as he heard the soft creaking of his doors opening.


It was supposed to be a scream, but not even a soft moan escaped his lips. He focused on his fingers, and tried everything possible to make them move.

Another creaking sound and Pete knew the doors had closed, and so the footsteps started. A soft rhythmic thudding of boots on the floor, getting nearer and nearer as Pete pants for air.

Wake up.

The footsteps grew louder, and the silence of the room made it sound like thunder was rolling on the ground. Pete's breath got stuck in his throat as he felt the presence of someone standing by his bedside, and the dreadful feeling of danger choked Pete to the core.

Pete's eyes snapped open. His whole body jerked up from his mattress, his breathing was harsh against his chest. His eyes darted towards his door, wide and alert through the darkness. But his room was quiet, only the sound of his pounding heart and the soft whistle of the wind from his window could be heard.

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