XIII: The Villain

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Whose side I'm on? There lies my sanity. There goes my mind, I could not save.

- How Villains are Made


TW: Blood, Violence, Graphic descriptions of pain and wounds, Referenced Child Abuse

Pete woke up with a quiet huff escaping from his dry lips. His breathing was hitched as the cold wind creeped its way in through his open window. He sat up removing the sheets from his body and immediately shivered from the freezing temperature of his chamber. His head turned toward the window with fluttering eyelashes from the sudden light coming in through it. Soft, delicate blooms of crystal, white snow falling from steel gray clouds meet Pete's eyes.

It was gentle. It was quiet.

A faint smoke swirled up from Pete's mouth as he exhaled warm air. And he stared at it until it disappeared. The air feels like freezing tendrils touching his bare skin. Pete's gaze roamed back to the mattress, over his bare legs, up to his inner thighs. Light brown eyes focus there, dried slick glistens against his pale skin. Pete frowns, remembering how he curled on his bed and moaned Vegas's name as he relieved himself.

He felt ashamed.

Brushing his cold hands over his face he tried to clear his head, but instead, his fingers just dug into his hair and pulled as he rested his head on his palms.

He might be a virgin, but he isn't completely ignorant of his sexual desires. Though he had always been exposed to Alphas, who showed their arousal and desire toward him since he was young, he had never been too interested nor even paid much attention to it. Because to him, those desires that came from those Alpha's meant he was prey and he was supposed to survive from them. He grew up fighting for his life from those lustful Alphas that wanted to take advantage of him.

But everything shifted in Kali, and he's the one lusting over an Alpha. Desiring one to the point of relieving himself while thinking about him rimming him inside instead of his own fingers. Moaning his name like a mantra as he imagined his warm breath against his skin. His cold scent marking his body. Hands circling around his waist, holding him down.

He had never done that before, nor has he ever reached a point where he badly needed to do it while in his right mind. Remembering all the quiet moans and burning desire he felt last night after Vegas left was really appalling; how he could act that way even when he was not in heat.

So, Pete decided to clean himself and his bedsheets before stepping out of his chamber. It was already noon when he finished cleaning. As he stepped outside the castle to look around in the courtyard, Nop followed behind him.

"May I ask, where is the Prince?" Pete asked Nop, his eyelids fluttering as he looked at the Knight. The soldier cleared his throat first before answering.

"Young Master is in the woods with the King."

"The King of Kali you mean?" Pete watched Nop carefully, putting his hands together behind him.

"If you are planning to meet the King of Fontos, you cannot."

"Aren't you too loyal?" Pete teased, but the soldier didn't answer, his eyes remained forward and sharp. So Pete decided to stop pestering the soldier and continued walking.

When they reached the courtyard, Pete immediately looked up, snow dancing in the light as it swayed with the wind. He looked around, the entire courtyard covered in white like a thick feather cushion, the hanging lanterns were already removed, some servants were shoveling the heavy snow from the field when Pete's eyes landed on a horse.

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