XI: Checkmate?

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"The devil breathes a curse upon my ear,
A deep powerful voice rumbled with a sneer.
A voice that could shake the peaceful and the calm,
A promise of brokenness sealed in his hand."


The library located on the West Wing of Kali was always a peaceful– vibrant getaway. A Kingdom that carries and protects their Empire written in hundreds of titles and thousands of papers. An Empire built with curiosity, intellect, and fascination. Always looking for answers; anticipating the future while tracking down the past. It revitalized the Empire's value through the years. And it was perhaps the most beautiful place in Kali, full of knowledge and art.

Pete skimmed the pages of the book that's been occupying his days. The soft morning light peeks through the curtain and onto the words and paragraphs his eyes are reading. Everything was quiet, the breeze from the window was soft, the colorful lights coming from the glass dome danced in every corner of the space. It was serene.

Reading helped Pete understand Kali's culture and traditions. Kali is a lot different from Fontos, a deep history. The biggest difference came when the Kingdom of Kali separated from the mainland and Vegas took rule over it.

Fontos had a lot more libraries compared to Kali, but Fontos' literature was never curious. They only provide answers. In every part of the Kingdom; in every word written in books, they will tell you answers, dictate what you have to know. While Kali – they are rooted in tradition, making reference on how the past affected the present. They narrated achievements in conquering land and exuding power. Kali is like a hungered beast with no contentment, devouring everything along their way. Taking power from the Kingdoms that fell and every drop of blood that was shed.

And so Pete thinks deeply, if Kali is to invade Fontos, will his Kingdom win? Would Kali swiftly manage to seize them? Are their defenses enough? Have they been improving just like Kali has been so focused on improving theirs throughout the years?

Pete had experienced war between the two Kingdoms at a very young age. Surely, Vegas and Macau had experienced the same. They were present as their father got executed. Macau, the young man who'd been making sure he felt safe here in Kali, had looked devastated and broken.

And Vegas, even though he was young, Pete could still remember the intensity in his eyes. He was burning with rage and sometimes, Pete could still see that same rage whenever he looked at Pete. Like a fire obscured by a dark curtain. It was always brief, the darkness in his gaze would always cover it up in an instant.

Perhaps the King hated him as much as he despised this place. They came from both Kingdoms who loathed each other for decades, enough to start a war.

Pete never doubted the late King of Fontos, in the same way he never doubted Kinn. He had always thought that if they were placed in a difficult situation like war, they would come out of it victorious just like how it was a decade ago.

"Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere." A voice caused Pete to raise his head from the book he was reading and was met by the soft smile of the Prince.

"Hey." Pete greeted back. "Why are you looking for me?"

Pete closed the book softly and stared at the Prince. His cheeks flushed from running, his breathing was unsteady and heavy.

"We have to get your measurements for your clothes." The Prince grinned, wrapping a hand on Pete's wrist to pull the Omega up.

"What for?" Pete let the Prince help him to his feet. Confusion visible on his face as he looked at the Prince while frowning.

"For the banquet, silly. You need new clothes!" Macau practically cheered; excitement visible in his eyes.

"Why? I don't need it. I'm not attending." Pete mumbled. He didn't want to see Vegas nor come close to him. He's been avoiding the King for the past three days because of his heat and because of what happened. Why would he attend the banquet?

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