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I'm Brooklyn and I'm 9.

Brooklyn's POV:

I was hiding behind an abandoned car in the city when I heard footsteps coming up from behind the car.

'this is it I'm Ganna die.' I thought to myself.

Until a guy walked in front of the car and he saw me. He looks scary. He has a bat with barbed wire on it, and a black jacket.

"Are you Lost?" He asked.

"Technically, yes." I say because I am a little lost.

"Technically?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah." I say. I don't really know if I can trust this guy he's scary.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well... I was with my parents.... Until." I start.

"Did they die?" He asked.

"No... I don't know. They left me here." I say.

"They left you?" He asked. anger behind his voice.

"Yeah." I say.

"Why would they do that?" He asked mostly to himself.

"I don't know. They said they were coming back but they never did." I say.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Brooklyn." I say.

"I'm Negan" he says then extended his arm for a hand shake.

I shake his hand.

"I'll help you find your parents." He says.

"Okay." I say. I don't want to find them they left me here. Why would I want to find them if they left me here?

"C'mon." he says then helps me up.

We walk all over the city looking for my parents I told Negan their names and what they look like.

"Is there any place they liked to go?" He asked.

"They liked like to go to diner's." I say.

"There's a diner right over there. Let's go look in there." He says pointing to a diner in the distance.

"Okay." I say and we walk to the diner.

We walk into the diner and see my parents sitting at a booth.

"Kay, stay right here and I'll go talk to your parents. Okay?" Negan says. I nod.

I watch as he walks over to my parents. And tries to talk to them.

I watch as my parents turn their heads except... Their walkers.

Negan looks back at me. I just turn around.

I hear Negan kill my now walker parents.

Eventually we walk out of the diner.

And Negan told me that he has a community and that I could stay there If I wanted.

*Time skip to where Negan and Brooklyn are at the sanctuary*

((The timeline is after Negan killed Glenn and Abraham btw))

We got to Negan's community called the sanctuary and I met pretty much everyone.

((A little time skip bc I want to get to the drama))

I'm bored because Negan is on a supply run.

((keep in mind Brooklyn doesn't know about Alexandra or the other communities))

I usually hang out with him and we draw or color but he's on a supply run so i have no one to hang out with.

I was walking down the hall because there's nothing else to do.

When I see a guy who has brown hair down to his shoulders, and he has a long sleeve shirt that has an 'A' spray painted on the front of it.

He's rushing down the hall. and rushes past me.

I don't think he even saw me. He kept looking behind him so he just rushed past me.

I didn't really think much of it.

I just kept walking down the hall.

Daryl's POV:

I was rushing down the hall of the sanctuary hoping someone doesn't see me. but luck hasn't really been on my side.

As I'm rushing down the hall I see a little girl she looks like she can't be older than 10. But I just keep running down the hall.

I eventually got back to Alexandria but I can't stay Rick said that the saviors would come looking for me.

Rick said it's best if I go to the kingdom because the Saviors won't go inside the walls of the kingdom. So I guess I'm staying at the kingdom.

Brooklyn's POV:

I go to my room and color, Since there's no thing else to do.

A few hours later Nagen comes back and we color and hangout.

((Time skip... Again))

Negan was in a meeting or something so we couldn't hang out. So I'm just reading a book.

I'm so bored There's nothing to do.

Negan taught me how to use a gun. And I've never been on a supply run by myself sooo I guess I'm going on a supply run by myself.

I grab a bag and put bullets, water and a knife.

I grab my bag and put it on my back and grab my gun.

I leave my room and go out one of the exit doors. And go into the woods I know it's stupid but I can protect myself.

I'm walking in the woods and I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around.

Word count: 831

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