what do you think

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Daryl's POV:

I walked out of the gas station holding Brooklyn's knife.

"Is that her knife?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. It's covered in blood." I tell Rick and Michonne.

"Her's?" Michonne asked.

"Don' know" i say.

"...we found gas" Rick says.

We get in the car and drive down the road until we see something moving in the bush. Michonne stops the car.

"It's probably a walker. I'll get it." I say then open the car door and walk to the bush with my knife in my hand.

I walk up to the bush and look behind it and see.. Brooklyn curled up in a ball, she had her knees to her chest and her head down.

I noticed there was blood all over her shirt and pants.

"Brooklyn?" I ask sceptical if she's still alive or not.

She looked up at me, her face was covered in blood. Her face was bleeding.

"Hey come on. We're going back to Alexandria." I said to her.

"No. I can't go back. If everyone didn't hate me before they definitely do now." She says.

"No one hates you. Now come on." I say.

She's starting to lose blood. A lot of it.

"Come on." I say and help her up. As soon as she stands up she falls back down. I help her back up.

And just pick her up and carry her to the car. I open the car door and she gets in the back seat.

"Brooklyn?" Rick and Michonne ask.

I get in the car too. "She's losing blood. A lot of it." I say to them.

Michonne starts driving back to Alexandria.

A few minutes later Brooklyn laughed. Me and Rick both turn to her.

"It's just funny how I'm Ganna have a huge ass scar down my face." She says.

"What do you mean?" Rick asked.

"I mean I was in a gas station when some bitch came in and she cut a huge line down my face." Brooklyn says pointing to the left side of her face.

I look at Rick and he looks at me concerned.

"Michonne, go faster." I say.

Michonne nods and goes faster and in a few minutes we make it to Alexandria.

We drive in Alexandria and I carry Brooklyn to the infirmary because she still can't walk.

We get to the infirmary and I sit her down. I see Siddiq but his back is facing us "hey" i say and Siddiq turns around, his eyes widen when he sees Brooklyn.

"She's losing blood. Can you help her?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says then walks over to Brooklyn.

"How did this happen?" He asked.

"Someone cut a line down her face with a knife." I say.

Siddiq crouches down so he can look at Brooklyn's face.

"Does it hurt?" Siddiq asked her.

"What do you think" She said.

He stands back up and says "yeah, she's losing a lot of blood." Then goes over to a cabinet and opens the door.

Brooklyn's POV:

I can't really see anything because there is blood in my eyes but I can see a little. I hear Daryl and another guy talking but I don't recognize the other guy's voice.

I'm starting to feel light headed and really tired... i think I'm dying.

Who knew that I was going to die to a cut on my face. Kind of a stupid way to go.

(Time skip to a few days later)

I woke up in the infirmary and Daryl was sitting in a chair next to the bed I woke up in.

When I opened my eyes he looked at me relieved.

"..i thought you were gonna' die." He said.

"Me too." I replied and sat up.

"You need rest." He says.

"Well how long have I been out?" I ask.

"A few days." He tells me.

"Looks like I've been out long enough." I say then get out of the bed.

"Get your ass back in bed." Daryl says.

I glare at him but get back in bed anyway.

"I'm not even tired." I say.

"What were you thinking?" He asked.

"Huh?" I say confused about what he's talking about.

"Going to Somerville. What were you thinking?" He repeats.

"Well.. i don't know." I say.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asked.

"Well I just didn't want to be here anymore. And I used to live in Somerville so I knew how to get there, so I just went." I told him.

He stands up "get some rest." He says then walks out of the door.

Great. Just great, now daryl hates me. Everyone probably hates me.

I look over at the table beside my bed and see a piece of paper folded. I pick it up and it has my name on top.

I open the letter and it says:

Dear, Brooklyn if you're reading this then I'm dead. I wanted to be like you, I wanted to help people, I wanted to save people like you. At least I saved someone, his name is Sadiq and he's a doctor. I want you to do one last thing for me, protect Judith. And please don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault.

-love carl

Carls dead? No. No he can't be.

I was crying when I got done reading the letter. I can't believe he's really dead.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

Word count: 905

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