what about my hug?

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"wait so your birthday is tomorrow?" Carl asked.

"Yeah." I admit. I've never really liked my birthday. I don't get why I have to celebrate the day I was born.

"How old are you turning?" Carl asks.

"Ten." I say.

"oOOooOo~" He says.

" 'ooooo' what?" I ask.

"You're turning ten. It's exciting." Carl says.

I laugh slightly. "No it's not."

"Sure it is." He says.

"Everyone turns ten at one point." I say.

"Yeah but turning ten in the apocalypse is different." Carl says.

I guess he has a point.

"I guess." I admit.

"See." He says. "Hey I think Daryl is going on a run. You should go. It'll be fun."

"Okay, I guess I'll go." I say.

"I think he's going in like ten minutes, so you better go ask Daryl if you can go" carl said.

"Kay, see you" I say then get up. I go outside and find Daryl.

"Hey, Daryl." I say to Daryl.

"Hey." He said back.

"Are you going on a run later?" I ask.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can I come with you?" I ask.

"Sure. But if you try anything-" Daryl starts but I cut him off.

"I won't." I reassure him.

"...you better not. I'll get Rick to give you your gun back and then we'll leave." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

He just nods and then goes to get my gun from Rick. I just stayed where I was until he got back.

While I was waiting for Daryl to get back people walked past me whispering and giving me weird looks.

Like I wasn't expecting them to bake me a cake or anything but this is a little harsh.

I just stood there awkwardly waiting for Daryl and eventually he came back with my gun.

But he wouldn't give it back to me until we were outside the walls. Which I understand. he doesn't trust me.

We got in a car and left.

"Okay, we're Ganna take out one of negan's Outposts." Daryl said while driving.

"Kay." I responded. My happy mood kinda disappeared when people started looking at me weird.

I look out the window just watching the trees and we drive down the road.

"It's a tiny outpost so there ain't' Ganna be a lot a' saviors." He says.

"Okay." I say.

The rest of the ride was silent well at least until I said: "i still don't get why you don't trust me."

"Because you're a savior." Daryl simply responded.

"Was." I corrected him.

"You Still killed people." Daryl said.

"They were saviors." I say.

"What about that guy behind Carl? Or that girl that was on the balcony with Michonne." Daryl said.

I turn my head to Daryl and say: "that guy behind Carl had a gun to his head. And that girl on the balcony with Michonne tried to kill her... So I killed them for a good reason." I say.

"...I guess." Daryl admitted.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

We eventually got to the outpost And got out of the car.

Daryl went over the plan.

So I was supposed to kill the guy at the entrance and Daryl would do the rest all I had to do was cover him.

We went up to the outpost and I killed the guy at the entrance. Then followed Daryl inside and he killed a few people as well.

I was behind him covering him in case he missed someone I could kill them.

We cleared out the outpost and got the guns they had then went back to the car and left.

While we were driving Daryl asked me: "did ya' expect me to trust you right away?"

"No." I admit.

"I don't get how Carl trusted you right away." Daryl said.

I can tell he's trying to be nice by saying 'right away' instead of saying 'i don't get how carl trusted you.' but it still hurts.

"Well, I knew Carl before I got to Alexandria." I say trying to keep the hurt out of my voice, while still looking out the window.

"Really?" Daryl asked not believing me.

"Yeah. Meet him in the woods... Right after I saw you escaping the sanctuary." I say.

Daryl turns his head to me for a second then looks back at the road.

"That was you?" He asks.

"Yeah. I didn't know you were even there until that." I say.

"How could ya' not know I was there?" Daryl asked not believing me.

"They didn't tell me anything. No one did. I didn't even know Alexandria existed." I admitted.

The rest of the ride was silent and we eventually got back to Alexandria and I gave my gun back to Daryl.

Then I went to hang out with Carl and Judith as soon as I walked in, Carl yelled "happy early birthday!"

"Thanks." I say and hug him. He hugs me back then pulls away and says: "me and Judith made you a birthday card."

"You guys didn't have to." I say as Carl grabs the card off the counter and hands it to me.

"Of course we did." He says. Then Judith giggles.

"Aww." I say as I saw the front of the card. It was a drawing of me, Carl and Judith wearing birthday hats and eating cake.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"Open it." Carl says.

I opened up the card and there was homemade confetti that was all different colors. I smiled.

There was also a hand written note that read: 'Happy Birthday Brooklyn! Me and Judith love you, and hope you have an amazing birthday.'

All around the note there were red hearts. I smiled even more.

I hugged Carl again and said: "thank you. I'm Ganna keep this forever."

Carl laughed and said jokingly "you better."

"Hey, what about my hug?" Judith asked in a sweet voice.

I laugh and hug her too. "Thank you guys, this is the best birthday ever."

They both smiled.

Word count: 1001

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