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Carl's POV:

Me and Daryl are still in the gun store. We're looking for anymore signs that Brooklyn might be somewhere around here.

We hear something whimpering in pain right outside the store. I ran towards the door but before I could get to the noise Daryl put his hand in front of me stopping me.

I look over at him with a confused expression. Why was he stopping me?

"It might be a walker." He said. His hand still in front of me.

"That didn't sound like a walker." I told him.

He puts his arm down and pulls out his gun and holds it up as we make our way out of the store.

We walk out of the door and turn the corner and to my relief we see Brooklyn. But she was sitting on the ground her back against the wall.

Her eyes were closed and she was covered in blood I couldn't tell if it was her blood or walker blood.

Me and Daryl sigh in relief when we see her. When she hears us sigh she turns her head to us and opens her eyes slowly and says: "oh, hi."

"Are you okay?" I ask. crouching down to her high.

"Sort of." She says, breathing heavily from running.

Brooklyn's POV:

I finally got away from those walkers. Barely. I was covered in blood from killing some of them.

I walked to the gun store I went to, to get that gun. And I whimper in pain as I sat down on the ground with my back against the wall.

I closed my eyes. The sun is too bright. And I feel tired, like I'm about to fall asleep. I hear footsteps.

The footsteps didn't sound like walker footsteps so I kept my eyes closed, until I heard someone sigh.

I turn to the noise and slowly open my eyes to see: Carl and Daryl.

"Oh, hi." I say.

Carl Crouches down to my height, And says: "are you okay?"

"Sort of." I say, Breathing heavily from running.

"Sort' of?" Daryl repeats. As he Crouches down next to Carl.

"Well I ran like 3 miles from walkers. I found a gun but it only had one built. And I fell down like 60 times." I say.

Carl looks at Daryl who looks at carl as well. Omg the sun is burning my eyes. I close my eyes.

But as soon as I did I hear Daryl say: "hey, you gatta' keep your eyes open."

I sigh and open my eyes. "Why? The sun is so bright and I'm so tired."

"If you close your eyes you'll pass out." Carl said.

"Ugh, Lame." I said which just made Daryl and Carl laugh.

"C'mon." Carl said then stood up and extended his arm to help me up.

I grab his arm with my shaking hand and he helps me up. We walk out of the woods well I can barely walk but we make it out of the woods.

We get into a car and drive back to Alexandria. When we get there Daryl tells the guys at the gate to open it up.

They open the gate and Daryl drives inside and stops the car and Carl and Daryl get out then Carl helps me get out.

When I got out of the car somehow the sun got 20 times brighter. I block the sun with my arm and Carl helps me walk to the infirmary.

We walk inside the infirmary and Olivia the doctor tells me to sit down. Carl helps me sit down and then talks to Olivia about how him and Daryl found me like this.

Then Olivia puts bandages over my cuts from when I fell, trying to run away from the walkers.

"How bad does it hurt on a scale from 1 to 10?" Olivia asked.

"Like a six." I lied. It wasn't a six it was definitely a ten but I didn't want her to think I'm weak.

She smiles and gives me pain killers I take them then she tells me that I should feel better in a few days. And says that in the meantime I should rest.

I walk back to my house and don't even make it to my room. I fall on the couch and fall asleep.

Carl's POV:

Olivia told me that Brooklyn went back to her house to get some rest and that she'd probably be asleep for a while.

I'm just glad she's alive.

A few hours later Michonne and Dad walked up to me.

"Did you guys find Brooklyn?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. She's okay. She just went outside the walls and ran into a herd of walkers but long story short she somehow out ran them." I tell them and they're worried looks turn into relieved looks.

Michonne sighs in relief. "I'm glad she's okay." Dad nods and says: "yeah."

"Me too." I tell them with a relieved smile. Dad was about to say something but before he could we heard a truck pull up at the wall.

We all look at the wall and dad and Michonne go to the wall.

I sigh realizing that it's probably Negan. And soon enough the gate opens and negan walks in Alexandria. i Knew it.

Negan and dad talk but they are out of ear shoot so i cant hear what they're saying. A few minutes later I walked up to dad.

"Hey, dad." I say. Which ctretches Negan's attention for some reason. Negan turns to me.

"Where is she?" Negan asked.

Dad sighed and said: "she's-" but before he could finish his sentence I cut him off.

"Not here." I say crossing my arms.

Negan chuckles and says "don't play dumb kid. I know she's here."

"Well she's not." I said.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's not." Negan says sarcastically.

"I'm going to ask one more time... Where is she?" He asked

His voice got scary each time he asked but I wasn't Ganna tell him.

"She's not here." I say.

Then negan pulls out a gun and points it towards Olivia and shoots her. I turn towards Olivia's now dead body and gasp.

I turn back towards negan. He puts his gun back in his pocket.

"Wanna tell me now?" He asked.

I don't say anything I just point towards her house where she was.

I really didn't want to tell him but he isn't giving me much of a choice.

Brooklyn's POV:

I wake up when I hear a gunshot. I get up and walk to the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife just in case something bad is happening.

I walk towards the door and stand in front of it with the kitchen knife in my hand.

The door opens, and the sun hits me right in the face. I cover my eyes with my arm. I can't see anything because the sun is too bright. But I feel someone take the knife out of my hand.

Word count: 1172

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