Trust me

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Brooklyn's POV:

It's the next day sadly and me and Octavia have to go back to the sanctuary. I am so going to be grounded until they find a cure for the apocalypse.

"Ich möchte nicht zum Heiligtum zurückkehren" I say to Octavia.
(I do not want to go back to the sanctuary.)

"Warum nicht?" She asks.
(Why not?)

"weil die Retter schlechte Menschen sind"I say
(Because the saviors are bad people.)

"Wie meinst du das?" She asked confused.
(What do you mean?)

"Ich meine, sie töten Menschen. Sie haben einige der Menschen hier in Alexandria getötet" i explained.
(i mean they kill people. they killed some of the people here in Alexandria)

"aber du hast mich gerettet" she says.
(But they saved me.)

I shrugged.

"Negan's ist einfach kein guter Kerl" I say.
(Neagn's just not a good guy.)

"aber er ist dein Vater." Octavia said.
(But he's your dad.)

"Ja. aber er tötete auch Instinktmenschen"
(Yeah. But he also killed incident people.) I say.

"Warum?" She asked.

"ich weiß nicht." I say with a shrug.
(I don't know.)

I sigh.

"bereit?" I ask Octavia.

"Ja.." she says sounding a little sad.

We go out the gate and make our way through the woods completely silent.

We walk through the woods for a while until we see the sanctuary.

"Ich möchte nicht zurück" Octavia admitted.
(I don't want to go back.)

"ich auch nicht." I say.
(Me neither.)

"wir konnten einfach nicht gehen" she says.
(We could just not go.)

I look over at her.

"Nein. Nein, wir könnten in Schwierigkeiten geraten. sonst könnte man sich verletzen."
(no. no, we could get into trouble. or we could get hurt.) I say.

She sighs.

"sie haben Recht. Aber können wir wenigstens ein paar Minuten im Wald verbringen?"she ask
(you're right. but can we at least hangout in the woods for a few minutes?)

"Sicher." I say.

We hangout in the woods for a few more minutes. We just talk about random things.

After a few minutes we decided to go back to the sanctuary. We walk into the sanctuary and walk to my room.

I open my door and see Eugene sitting at the table in the corner of my room.

"Holy shit." I say as I see Eugene. He scared the crap out of me.

He stood up from the chair. "I need to talk to you now." He says.

"What is it?" I ask.

Eugene tells me about how he made the bullets backfire. I asked why he made bullets in the first place and he told me about negan's plan to trick Rick and Alexandria into coming to this big field and killing them.

"...but they can't kill them because-" I start but Eugene cuts me off

"The bullets will backfire." He says.

I nod confused. That's a lot to take in right now. But I have to be there. Every savior has to and so does Octavia.

Lucky we won't be holding guns. I told Octavia about it And told her not to shoot the guns the saviors have.

She said she wouldn't and we waited nervously until the day.

Maybe around a week later the other saviors told us about the plan. But we already knew what to do.

We weren't going to shoot any of the savior's guns, and we were going to be a few feet behind them, And if any savior tried to hurt someone in Alexandria we would kill them.

We rode with Arat. Me and Octavia both sat in the back seat not saying anything.

We were waiting for Rick to fall for the trap that would lead him to the field. After that all we had to do is not shoot any of the savior's guns.

We get the signal to go to the field and wait for Rick. All the saviors were at the top of a hill that was in the field, they were all holding guns.

Me and Octavia were behind Eugene. waiting.

Eventually after a few minutes Rick and Alexandria come to the field. They are all holding guns.

Negan starts talking through a walkie talkie. Me and Octavia step away from everyone. And a few seconds later they all shoot their guns and the bullets backfire.

Negan shoots the gun he was holding but it didn't kill him, It just shot his hand. Most of the saviors died but a few of them survived.

Negan ran away, and hid somewhere.

Maggie, the widow raised a gun to my head. Maggie had never met me, so it makes sense she doesn't know that I've met Rick.

Rick puts his hand in front of Maggie's gun. Maggie looks at him and Rick gives her a look saying 'she's one of us' Maggie looked back at me and put her gun down.

She walked past me and Octavia and so did all the other people. I sigh in relief, i thought she was going to kill me.

Maggie's POV:

I walked up to a girl who had brown hair and brown eyes, i was going to kill her. Yeah she's a kid but she's a savior, she was even here.

I raise my gun to her head and she just looks at me blankly. Before I could shoot her Rick stopped me.

He put his hand in front of my gun. I looked at him confused. Why was he stopping me? She's a savior.

Rick gave me a 'she's one of us' look. I reluctantly put my gun down and walked past her.

Wait I just noticed there was another girl beside her. How could I not have noticed.

The other girl had black hair and green eyes. I looked back at the two girls and they were.. talking, But in a different language.

I decided to ask Daryl about it. I walk up to Daryl and say: "you know those two girls?" I point to the girls I just ran into.

"Uh yeah. Brown eyes is Brooklyn and green eyes is Octavia." He says.

"Oh.. do you know why they're speaking-" i started but daryl cut me off.

"German. Yeah Octavia's German and doesn't speak a lot of English so Brooklyn just kinda translates." He tells me.

I raise my eyebrows.

"... they're good people. Trust me. They're not going to kill us." He says.

"Mhmm." I say sceptical.

Word count: 1072

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