Harry Potter?

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Brooklyn's POV:

"H- he's Maggie's doctor." Gabriel says. Who is Maggie? And why would she need Dr. Carson?

"Who the hell is Maggie?" I ask.

Eugene looks at me like i shit in his sock drawer. What did i do?

"Maggie's the widow." Eugene says.

Ohh so Maggie's the widow. I had heard the saviors talking about a widow before.

"Oh. How are we Ganna help Gabriel if dr. Carson isn't here?" I ask.

"I do not know the answer to that." Eugene said like a robot. He always talks like that. No now's not the time.

"You should probably go back to your room." Eugene says.

"okay." I say a little sceptical. I stand up and walk back to my room. I don't know what will happen to Gabriel. He looked really sick.

I'm sure Eugene will figure it out.

I walk into my room and just stand there. I don't know what to do. What will happen to Gabriel? What if he dies.

I sigh. There's nothing I can do. I can't help, i don't really know what to do. I don't know anything about being a doctor... Yes I do.

My dad was a doctor before. He taught me a lot of things about being a doctor and he taught me how to help people. Because he always wanted me to be a doctor.

So I know something about helping people. But I've never seen anyone as sick as Gabriel is. I don't know what to do about that.

I sit down on my bed and just read a book. I read Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. I've seen all the Harry Potter movies but I've only read the first book.

I read for a while. There's nothing I can do to help Gabriel anyway.

((A few hours later))

I was still reading. I'm at the part where everyone is getting sorted into their Hogwarts houses.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. I get up and put my book down and walk over to the door and open it.

Eugene was standing at the other side of the door.

"Is Gabriel Ganna okay?" I ask. I'm worried about him.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. But I need to talk to you." Eugene said. Sounding worried.

"About?" I ask.

He looks around before saying: "can I come in?"

"Sure." I say then move away from the door and Eugene walks inside my room.

"It's about that time you got chased by walkers." He said.

He looked over to the table and saw the book i was reading.

"Harry Potter?" He asked referring to the book.

"Yeah. What about that time I got chased by walkers?" I ask.

"When you went outside the walls how did you get out? You couldn't just walk out the gate without anyone seeing you and telling you to stay inside the walls." He said.

"There was like a sewer. It was like a tunnel. It led outside the wall. I just went through it." I tell him.

"Why do you ask?" I ask him.

"You didn't have your gun?" Eugene asked.

"No. The council doesn't trust me. They didn't give me a gun so I just went outside the walls without it." I say.

"Did you get hurt at all?" He asks.

"I fell a lot. And got this." I say then point to my face where there was a scar down my left cheek. "I face planted on a sharp piece of metal or something."

"Did any walker blood get into the cut?"

"No. Why?" I ask.

"No reason. Just wondering." He tells me.

Clearly there's a reason otherwise he probably wouldn't have asked me. maybe he just won't tell me because he doesn't wanna worry me or something.

Okay I won't push it. I won't ask again.

"Okayy." I say.

We walks towards the door but as he's about to leave he turns to me and says: "enjoy your book... Harry gets into griffndor." He says then walks out of the room.

If I hadn't known that I would have killed him for spoiling it.

I close the door and sit back down and continue to read.

Eugene's POV:

I was about to walk out of the door to Brooklyn's room but before I said: "enjoy your book... And Harry gets into griffndor." I say the last part trying to lighten the mood.

I then walk out of her room and walk down the hall.

The only reason I asked Brooklyn so many questions is because if walker blood got into the scar on her face then she could have been infected.

The Walker blood and her blood could mix together and it could kill her. She said no blood got into her scar, so that's a relief.

Brooklyn's POV:

((A few hours later))

A savior was walking down the hall and I heard over the walkie talkie that he was carrying. I heard Dwight say "he can't see shit, but he can still make bullets." (He said that over the walkie talkie)

I guess they're talking about Gabriel. He probably got so sick that he's losing his eyesight.

That's not good. It would suck if you can't see in the apocalypse.

Ugh I'm so bored there's nothing to do here. I just want to go back to Alexandria.

I wonder what Carl and Judith are doing. Probably playing a game or something.

I had also heard some of the saviors talking about a king. They called him 'the king' or 'king Ezekiel'

What if he's a real king. That would be cool. what would he be the king of?

I did hear that he has a tiger.. weird.

Wait could he be that guy with the tiger that came to Alexandria when i followed the savior's trucks to Alexandria?

Maybe. I mean he's the only guy with a tiger.

Word count: 997

Authors note: I've got the timeline all messed up, I'm sorry.

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