a Kid

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Brooklyn's POV:

I just spent the rest of the day walking around. This place is pretty cool, there's a library and a lot of other things.

I was walking towards the gate to go back to Alexandria when I saw a walker. It was just standing there.

It was just staring back at me. Before I could do anything, I heard someone walk up behind me.

I turned around and saw the guy with the stick from earlier.

"You see them too?" He asked. His voice was a little deep and Shakey.

"Yeah. Why am I not supposed to?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He said then turned to me.

"I'm Morgan." He said.

"Brooklyn.. wait" i turned back to the gate.

"The walker isn't there anymore." I tell Morgan.

He turns to the gate too.

"Weird.. anyway, I have to go back to Alexandria." I tell him.

"You're from Alexandria?" He asked.

"Yeah.. i really have to go now. I'm not even supposed to be outside the walls, and if Daryl or Rick knew i was here they would be so mad." i say.

"Well bye." He says.

"Bye." I say then walk out of the walls.

I walk through the woods and make it back to Alexandria but as I'm about to go through the tunnel thing I hear someone coughing.

It wasn't like a real cough more of one to get someone's attention.

I look up at the wall where the sound came from and see Rick.

"Heyy Rick." I say to him.

He just glares at me and climbs down the ladder and opens the gate.

"But-" i say but Rick cuts me off.

"No buts. Now." He says.

I roll my eyes but go through the gate. Rick closes the gate and turns to me.

"I was just-" I started but he interrupted me.

"You were just going outside the gate." Rick said.

"Yeah. To go-" Rick interrupted me again.

"You're not allowed to. Do you not remember what happened the last two times you went outside of the gate by yourself?" He asked.

"I do, but-"

"So why do you keep doing it?" He interrupted me again.

"If you would let me finish i would tell you!" I said annoyed that he kept cutting me off.

"Do tell me." He said crossing his arms.

"So I can't get away from here. It's not that I don't like this place, it's just that I don't like the people here." I explained.

"So you don't like us? You don't like the counsel?" He asked.

"That's not what I'm saying." I said.

"Well it sounds like it." He replied.

"Oh my god. I don't like the people who make fun of me. I don't like the people who are mean to pme." I said.

"..go to your house." He said.

"Gladly." I say then make my way to my house. When I walk across the street I see Negan. No way did they really let him out?

He stares at me for a second then waves at me so I wave back and then continue walking to my house.

It was night by the time I made it to my house when i walked in i just went straight to my room and went to sleep.

Negan's POV:

They finally let me out of that damn sell to help with stuff around Alexandria. I was walking down the street when I saw Brooklyn.

She looked different but I could still recognize her. When she turned her face to me that's when I saw it.

A huge scar down her eyebrow to her eye and to her eye to her cheek. I haven't seen her in a while but I didn't think she would have a scar on her face.

I waved at her and she waved back then continued walking.

Brooklyn's POV:

When I woke up I went to go talk to Daryl when I saw him he was with Carol and a few other people.

"Hey, Daryl." I say to Daryl.

"Hey" he said. I noticed that they were about to go somewhere.

"Can I go with you guys?" I ask Daryl. "Please" I added.

Daryl sighs "alright. But you can't wander off on your own. Okay?" He said.

"Okay." I said. I got my gun and a few minutes later we left. We were walking when we heard something.

I recognized the voice. It was Siddiq.

"Sounds like Siddiq." I tell them. We all look in the direction of the noise and see Siddiq. We run towards him.

He looks like he's been through a world war. He starts talking about some random stuff that's kinda confusing.

He leads us to a field and there are sticks in the distance.

It takes us a few minutes to get closer to the sticks but when we get there my eyes widen in fear, sadness, anger and surprise. Pretty much all the emotions.

There are heads on the sticks. Ozzy, Alek, D.J., Frankie, Tammy Rose, Rodney, Addy, Enid, Henry, tara and... Octavia's heads.

"Oh my.." I say my voice is barely a whisper.

I remember that Henry is Carol's son, i turn to Carol to see how she is just as I look over to her Daryl runs to her and makes her turn around so she doesn't have to see Henry's head.

My heart is aching not just for Carol but for everyone.

Just then it sets in... Octavia's head is on one of those sticks.

I turned back to the sticks and I didn't even realize I was crying until then.

I turn my head so I don't have to look and see something worse...

"..aunt Tara?" I say as I see my aunt's head on a stick.

Siddiq turns to me and I look away crying. I didn't even know aunt Tara was alive. I didn't even know she was a part of the hilltop.

I had heard people talking about a girl named Tara but I didn't think it was Aunt Tina.

"..oh god." I say speechless. Siddiq looks at me again.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Me? I'm- I'm fine." I say, my voice is shaky from shock.

"Are you sure-" Siddiq asked but I cut him off

"Yep. Are- are you okay?" I ask.

"..yeah." he hesitates and smiles at me. I think he was trying to make me feel better. I could tell he was traumatized but didn't want to worry me.

That's when I remembered i was still a kid. A kid who just lost her aunt. ((Aunt from her dad's side btw)) A kid who just lost her best friend.

Word count: 1117

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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