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We walked in the hallway where everyone was. Gabriel was beside negan and I was beside Gabriel.

Negan said this 'speech' that I didn't really pay attention to. But I heard him say something about him being alive and he will never die and stuff like that.

((Time skip but not to the future but to the past like a few days in the past idk😭))

Tara's POV:

We were clearing out a satellite Post ((I think that's what it's called)) full of savers.

Me and Jesus were clearing a small room there was a closet. I opened the closet to see a guy who... Pissed himself.

"Oh look at that.. you pissed yourself." I say pointing my gun at the guys head Jesus doing the same.

"P-please I'm- I'm not one of them." The guys said.

"M-my names Dean." He said.

There were gunshots at the door.

"Shouldn't you get that?" Jesus asked referring to the gunshots of the door.

I walk over to the door and see Diana and shooting at some people who were shooting back at us.

Jesus turns back to Dean and says: "get up." Dean gets up and I walk back over to Jesus.

But suddenly Dean takes Jesus's gun and holds it up to his head.

I point my gun at Dean.

"I told you Lady, I'm just a worker. Like most of us." Dean says then steps on the medicine that Maggie needs.

He looks down and says "oh looks like that bitch Maggie and her kid-"

"I'm Ganna kill you." I cut him off.

Brooklyn's POV:

((A few days later))

Negan is going to this place called Alexandria I think that's what it's called, to do something I don't know he wouldn't tell me.

I wanted to go but negan said it wasn't safe there and that they were bad people so I couldn't go.

That's not fair I want to help but I can't if I'm always at the sanctuary. I told him I could help but he still said No.

But if he decides I can't go.... I'm going anyway

So I decided that I would follow the trucks that were going to Alexandria. There were only a few saviors staying at the sanctuary anyway.

So I get my gun and my knife and wait for the trucks to leave.

After what feels like years the trucks finally leave and I wait so no one is looking and climb through the fence and follow the trucks.

I know it's stupid like REALLY stupid but I wanna go. And I have weapons so I'll be fine.

I follow closely behind the trucks, at the side of the woods, so if anyone looks back I could hide behind a tree and no one would see me.

Finally the trucks stopped and I hid behind a tree so I could see what was going on but no one could see me.

Negan got out of one of the trucks with another guy.

Negan starts talking while I'm taking in my surroundings. There was a wall, and at the top of the wall were three guys and a woman in all black.

The woman had brown hair down to her shoulders. One of the guys also had brown hair a little longer... Oh wait it's Carl! Wait so Carl's a part of Alexandria.

One of the guys was standing by Carl and the other guy was behind him. The guy standing next to Carl looked a lot like him.

Negan stopped talking then the guy next to Carl held his hand up slightly. I think I'm the only one who saw it though.

Then Carl the guy next to him and pretty much everyone else except negan and the saviors, ducked and covered their heads with their hands.

I look over to negan and he just has a smile on his face... For some reason.

"Did you really think you were going to blow me up, Rick?" Negan said.

Oh okay so the guy next to Carl is Rick.

"Now I get me and my people. but Eugene?" Negan says. Okay so the guy next to negan is Eugene.

Suddenly the people behind Carl and Rick put guns to Carl and rick's heads.

Now if someone put a gun to this Rick guy's head I would have been okay with that but Carl? Hell no. I know I don't know Carl too well but still.

I take out my gun and aim it at the guy who was holding a gun to Carl. I put my hand on the trigger and wait. I can't shoot right now.

People will know I'm here, I might hit Carl and accidentally hurt him. So I'll wait.

I guess Carl saw me. He looked in my direction and then nodded and ducked.

As soon as he was out of the way I shot the guy right between the eyes.

Everyone looked in my direction still not knowing I was there.

I heard Negan say: "what the hell was that?" As he looked in my direction but he still couldn't see me.

"Get whoever the hell that was." Negan said. Then some saviors started walking towards me.

I ran into the woods but apparently I wasn't fast enough. They caught me.

"Let go of me!" I say as one of them grabs my arm and starts pulling me out of the woods.

We walk out of the woods... Or more like the other two. I'm being forced out.

As soon as we get out of the trees negan sees me and says: "god damn it."

If I would have just wanted none of this would have happened. The two saviors drag me to negan.

I jerk my arm back. "Assholes." I say to the two saviors who just go back to where they were standing before.

Negan sighs and turns to me "I told you, you couldn't come." He says sounding angry.

I don't say anything and just stand there half expecting him to hit me like my parents used to do before they left me for dead.

He sighs and looks back up at Rick who is looking at me like I'm crazy.

Rick looks back at negan.

A few minutes later everyone starts shooting at each other. Everyone but me. As soon as the first gun shot was fired I ran back to the woods.

With saviors chasing me. I refuse to shoot at any people that is a part of Carl's group.

I ran for a while trying not to get lost which wasn't that hard surprisingly.

I ran for a few minutes until some saviors caught up with me. They were going to take me back. and for the first time I didn't want to go back.

One of them grabbed my arm. I turned around and shot him. The other one put his hands up.

"Look Brooklyn I know-" the other one started but I cut him off... By shooting him in his head.

His body fell to the ground with a thud. I dropped my gun on the ground.

What did I just do?

"Oh god." I say surprised that I actually killed them. My voice was shaky.

I've never killed anyone before. Well except that guy behind Carl but he was going to kill Carl so I killed him for a good reason.... I didn't have a reason to kill them.

I run farther into the woods looking back every few seconds to make sure no one or nothing is following me.

Word count: 1267

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