it's nice seeing you

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((Pretend her hair is brown))

Brooklyn's POV:

I woke up the next day. I don't wanna do anything today but I have to go to the infirmary so Siddiq can make sure my scar isn't infected.

I get up and put on different clothes because the ones I was wearing are covered in blood. I walk out of my house and walk to the infirmary.

I don't see Siddiq but I do see Enid. I don't really like Enid, she's annoying and whiny.

"Hey Enid." I say to her.

She turns to me "hey Brookly-" she cuts herself off.

"What?" I ask.

"You're face. There's a huge scar down your face." She says.

"Oh yeah I know. Anyway, where's Siddiq?" I ask.

"Don't know." she says.

I nod. "Then I Guess I don't have to be here." I say then start to walk out.

"I guess not. But when Siddiq is back I'll tell you." She says.

"Kay, thanks." I say then go back to my house.

I walk in my house and see Daryl.

"Hey Daryl." I say. Why is he here? I'm not saying that to be mean but I thought he was off doing his own thing.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"Okay, first of all this is my house, and second of all Why are YOU here?" I ask

"I'm looking for Siddiq." He says.

"Well he's not here or at the infirmary " i tell Daryl.

"He's not?" He asked.

"No." I say.

"Okay. Well I'm Gann' go look somewhere else." He says.

"Yeah you do that." I say.

He nods and walks out of my house. I sigh and sit on the couch.

And I'm bored again. There's never anything to do. I want to go outside the walls but every time I do I always get brought back here.

There is nothing to do. Actually I think I'll go outside the walls one last time, I'll go to the kingdom. I've never been there so why not go.

I grab my gun and go outside the walls. I walk in the woods for a while until I see the kingdom. It's just how Carl described it.

Suddenly two guys on horses show up in front of me, and they point sticks at me? I think they were sticks.

What is a stick Ganna do?

"Who are you?" One of them asked.

"Brooklyn Smith. From Alexandria." I tell them.

"Smith? Like.. like Negan smith?" The other one asked.

"I guess." I say.

They look at each other then back at me.

"From Alexandria?"

"Yeah." I say.

"How can you be related to negan and be in Alexandria?" One of them asked.

"I don't know, Man. can you just let me in?" I ask.

"But you're-" one of them says but is cut off by someone peeking over the gate.

"Ah, jerry. There you are." The guy who peaked over the gate said.

"Hey boss, this girl" jerry starts "shes uh from Alexandria." He says.

"Yes?" The guy asked. I nodded.

"But, she's related to Negan." The other one finished jerry's sentence.

The guy looks over at me "is this true?" He asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

He climbed down the gate and walked up to me "Ezekiel" he said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"King.. Ezekiel?" I ask. Carl had told me that there was a king.

"Yes indeed. And you are?" He asked. He even sounded like a king.

"Brooklyn." I said then shaked his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Brooklyn." He says.

"Yeah, you too." I say. He smiles and turns to jerry.

"Jerry, open the gate please." Ezekiel said.

"But boss-" Jerry got cut off by Ezekiel.

"Jerry." Ezekiel said.

Jerry looked at me then back at Ezekiel and opened the gate. Me and Ezekiel walked inside the community.

Wow it really looks like the world before. There are people, kids my age and a lot of stuff. It looked exactly how it was before the Apocalypse.

"Wow." I say looking around at everything.

"Amazing isn't it?" Ezekiel asked.

"yeah" i said.

"Well, I'll leave you to explore. I have to do something in the meantime. Have fun Brooklyn." He smiles.

"Thanks." I say. He nods and walks away.

I start to walk down the street just looking around when I see a guy holding a stick. What is it with everyone having sticks?

He looks at me and tilts his head slightly. Probably because of the huge scar on my face.

I hear someone walk up behind me so I turn around and see Carol.

"Carol? I didn't know you were here." I say to her.

"Yeah I'm here" she continued "what happened to.." she said gesturing to the scar on my face.

"My face? Oh the scar. Yeah I ran into some girl and I wouldn't tell her anything about Alexandria so she cut my face open." I say to her.

"Oh, Jeez." She says. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yep." I reassure her. That was a complete lie. I'm not doing fine, I'm doing awful. I don't know how to tell her in a way where she won't get worried.

"it's nice seeing you." She said.

"You too." I say to her.

"Well, I have to go now but I'll see you later." She says.

"Alright." I smile at her and she walks away.

Word count: 907

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