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Brooklyn's POV:

Me and Octavia were hanging out when someone knocked on my door.

I opened the door and saw Eugene.

"Hey Eugene." I said to him.

"Hello. I've been informed that you meet someone on the supply run." He said.

"Oh yeah." I move out of the way so Eugene can meet Octavia.

"She doesn't know a lot of English tho." I tell him.

"Well what language does she speak?" He asked.

"German." I tell him.

"Oh" Eugene said then turns to Octavia.

I turn to Octavia "Octavia, das ist Eugene." I
(Octavia, this is Eugene)

turn to Eugene "Eugene this is Octavia."

"Uh hi." Eugene says.

"er sagt hallo. er kann kein Deutsch"tell Octavia
(He says hi. He doesn't know any German.)

"Oh, Hallo" Octavia says.
(Oh hello.)

"She says hi." I tell Eugene.

"Nice to meet you." Eugene says, then turns back to me. "Brooklyn I need to tell you something. But it's better if you know later."

"Okay." I say.

"GoodBye" he said then walked out of my room.

"Bye." I say to him.

I turn to Octavia

"Er sagte, es war schön, dich kennenzulernen."
(He said it was nice to meet you.)

She nods and we go back to talking.

"Willst du eine Versorgungsfahrt machen?"
(Do you wanna go on a supply run?) I ask Octavia.

"alleine?" She asked.

"Ja." I say

"Sicher" she says.

We get a bag and put some water in it. I have my gun and she has a gun.

We sneak past all the saviors and make it out. We walk into the woods and just walk around talking.

"In welche Schule bist du gegangen? ..du weißt schon" Octavia asked me.
(What school did you go to? You know before.)

"Somerville Grundschule." I say.
(Somerville elementary.)

"Wirklich?" Octavia asked.

"Ja." I said.

"Was ist mit dir?" I ask.
(What about you?)

"Grundschule Kaiserslautern." she said.
(Kaiserslautern Elementary School.)

"Ich habe Bilder von dieser Schule gesehen. Hat es Spaß gemacht?"
(I've seen pictures of that school. Was it fun?)

"Ja" Octavia says.

"Warum hast du Deutsch gelernt?" She asked.
(Why'd you learn German?)

"Denn meine Oma ist Deutsche" I say.
(Cuz my grandma is German.)

"macht Sinn" she says.
(Makes sense.)

"wurdest du in Deutschland geboren?" I ask
(Were you born in Germany?)

"Ja. Was ist mit dir" she asks
(Yeah. What about you)

"Ich wurde in den USA geboren" i tell her.
(I was born in the USA.)

"welcher Teil?" She asked.
(What part?)

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