Just my luck

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Brooklyn's POV:

Today is the day after my birthday and I couldn't be more bored. Carl is busy doing whatever Carl does, and Judith is taking a nap, and no one else here likes me, so yeah I'm bored.

Right now I'm just sitting on my porch. I don't live with anyone so I have a house to myself but I'm still bored.

I'm soo bored. And when I'm bored I go outside the walls because there's nothing else to do.

There is this tunnel under that Leeds outside the walls. So you can go through the tunnel to get outside the walls without being seen.

I can't have my gun because I'm a 'savior' so I'm not allowed to have my gun until the council trusts me.

So I can't have my gun so I'll just have to go outside without it.

I went through the tunnel and now I'm outside of Alexandra. I go in the woods to just walk around.

I walk around the woods for a while until I run into a group of walkers. I don't have my gun or my knife so the only thing I can do is run away.

There's gotta be around 120 walkers in that herd maybe more.

I run away but I can't go back to Alexandra that'll just lead the herd in that direction and they'll overrun Alexandra and a lot of people will most likely die.

So I can't go back to Alexandra so I'll go in a random direction. I run the opposite way of Alexandra.

The herd follows me, hot on my trail. I run into an abandoned gun store hoping there would still be guns there. Which is a big 'if'.

When I ran in I saw a gun. Yes, I won't die. I grab the gun and shoot one of the walkers getting too close.

I shoot another one but as luck would have it nothing happens... The gun is out of bullets. Just my luck.

The walker walks closer to me as I walk backwards.

I sigh.

Of course the one time I go out without my gun I die. I have the worst luck ever.

Carl's POV:

I was walking to Brooklyn's house. I had just got done helping my dad with something I told Brooklyn I would hangout with her when I was done.

I got to her door and knocked. No answer. Okay I'll just knock again. I knocked again, still no answer.

I reached to open the door but right as I did Daryl walked by. I turned to Daryl.

"Hey Daryl, have you seen Brooklyn?" I asked starting to get worried about her.

"Not since we wen' on that run, no. Why? She ant' in there?" Daryl asked.

"No." I shake my head.

Daryl walked over to me and I moved out of the way. He opened the door and no one was inside.

We walk in and, still, nothing. No sign of Brooklyn being there in hours.

"I'll go check upstairs. Maybe she's just up there." I say to Daryl.

"Alright' I'll check down here." Daryl said.

I went upstairs to look for Brooklyn. I looked all upstairs but nothing. She wasn't there. I walk back downstairs and see Daryl.

I look over to him and he just shakes his head.

I sigh. "She wasn't up there either." I tell him.

"Anywhere else you think she'd be?" Daryl asked.

I shake my head. "No." I said.

"We should ask people. Maybe someone has seen her." I suggest.

"Good idea." Daryl said then went outside to go ask people if they have seen her.

I went outside too and went to Michonne and dad.

"Hey, have you guys seen Brooklyn?" I ask them.

"Uh no not today." Michonne said.

Dad shook his head and said: "me neither. Why? Is she not in her house?"

"No." I said. "Me and Daryl will find her." I tell them.

"Good luck." Michonne said.

"Thanks." I smiled then went to ask some other people.

Most of them hadn't seen her and a few of them said they had seen her on her porch a few hours ago.

And like two people said they had seen her by the wall just before she went missing. Me and Daryl met back up at her house.

"No one's seen her." I told Daryl.

"Some people said they saw her' by the wall." Daryl said.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Maybe she got bored and went' outside the walls." Daryl said.

"She wouldn't do that. She loves it here." I say.

"I'm not sayin' she ran away. I'm sayin' maybe she just got bored and wanted to do something away from everyone." Daryl suggested.

"...maybe." I said. I don't think she would run away but she did say something about everyone whispering about her.

"C'mon. We'll go look outside. I'll track her.'" Daryl said.

"Okay." I say then me and Daryl go outside the walls to look for her.

"I got some' over here." Daryl said. Waving me over to him.

We were in the woods.

I walk over to him and look where he's pointing, there were Footprints. We follow the footprints for a little while.

Until there were a lot of footprints.

Daryl stood up and said: "looks like she ran into a herd."

I'm starting to get worried. She could get bitten or eaten alive.

"There's some footprints over there." I say pointing towards some of Brooklyn's footprints turning in a different direction.

Daryl looks where I'm pointing and we walk towards the footprints.

"Looks like she saw the herd and thought if she went back she'd probably lead the herd right towards Alexandra." Daryl said.

"We should follow them." I said. We followed her footprints that led to a gun store.

Daryl sighed. I tuned towards him.

"What?" I asked. confused as to why he sighed.

"She didn't take her gun. So she went here to try to get one." He says.

No. No she wouldn't leave without her gun. She wouldn't.

Me and Daryl walked closer and saw bloody handprints on the windows.

We walked inside, and there was a gun on the floor. Daryl picked up the gun. And looked at it closely.

"Anything?" I ask growing more worried by the minute.

"There's blood on this gun. Probably her blood. Looks like she found this gun in here and tried to kill the walkers." Daryl said.

I felt my heart drop. And I started getting scared. What if she's dead. What is she's a walker. What if she got eaten trying to escape.

Word count: 1106

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