It's German

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Brooklyn's POV:

Negan is letting me go on a supply run! I'm going with Dwight and a few other people. But I'm not allowed out of Dwight's sight.

At least I get to go on a supply run. I'm just bringing a knife, a gun and some water. And of course some bullets.

Me, Dwight and Arat all got into a car. Dwight was driving, I was sitting in the back and Arat was sitting in the passenger's seat.

Dwight and Arat were talking about stuff, i don't know what they were talking about, i wasn't listening.

I was just looking out the window. After a few minutes we got to an old store. We got out and Dwight said we would search the store for supplies.

We walked in the store and we searched it. For the first time since we left neither Dwight or Arat were keeping an eye on me.

We all went in different directions of the store so we could search for supplies faster.

I was walking down a aisle when I heard footsteps behind me. I thought it was Arat or Dwight so I turned around.

But I didn't see either of them. I saw a girl maybe around my age. i pointed my gun at her and she put her hands up.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked loud enough for Dwight and Arat to hear me.

"Ich bin Octavia" she said.
(I am Octavia)

"The hell" Dwight said as he walked to the aisle we were in.

I looked at Dwight and he looked confused. I noticed the girl didn't have a gun and she looked like she's been on her own for weeks.

I put my gun back in the holster.

"Hallo, Octavia. Ich bin Brooklyn."
(Hello Octavia. I am Brooklyn)

"Okay what the hell." Arat said.

I looked at Arat and Dwight. "It's German." I said to them in a 'Duh' tone.

"Since when do you know German?" Dwight asked.

"Since I was two." I tell them. They both still looked really confused.

I turned to Octavia.

"Hast du jemals einen Beißer getötet?" I ask
(Have you ever killed a walker?)

"Nein." She says.

"Hast du irgendwelche Wepens?" I ask her.
(Do you have any wepens?)

"Nein." She tells us.

I extend my hand for a hand shake and she shakes my hand.

"Schön, dich kennenzulernen." I smile at her.
(Nice to meet you.)

"Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen." She smiles
(Nice to meet you too.)

"bist du verletzt?" I ask her.
(Are you hurt?)

"Ja, Ich bin vor ein paar Stunden gestürzt und habe mir den Kopf aufgeschlagen" she says.
(Yeah, i fell and hit my head a few hours ago.)

"Blutet es?" I asked concerned.
(Is it bleeding?)

"nicht länger." She said with a slight laugh.
(Not anymore.)

"What's she saying?" Arat asked.

I turn to Arat and Dwight. "She doesn't have any wepens. And she fell and hit her head a few hours ago, but it stopped bleeding. And she's never killed a walker before." I tell them.

I turn back to Octavia.

"Keine Sorge, wir haben eine Gruppe. mit Ärzten." I tell her.
(Don't worry. We have a group. With doctors.)

"Gut, denn mir wird langsam schwindelig." She laughs
(Good, cuz I'm starting to feel lightheaded.)

I laugh too.

"Komm schon. Wir bringen Sie jetzt dorthin"
(Come on. We'll take you there now)

She nods. I turn to Dwight and Arat and say: "we need to go back to the sanctuary now. She needs a doctor." I tell them.

"Alright." Arat says then we walk to the car and Arat drives, Dwight in the passenger's seat and me and Octavia in the back.

"So, uh what's her name?" Dwight asked.

"Octavia." I tell him.

"Does she speak any English?" He asks.

"I don't know. I'll ask." I say.

"Kannst du Englisch, Octavia?" I ask her.
(Do you know any English Octavia?)

"Ja, ein bisschen." She says.
(Yeah, a little.)

"das ist okay. ich kann dich lehren. Aber Englisch ist eine der am schwersten zu lernenden Sprachen." I tell her.
(that's okay. i can teach you. but English is one of the hardest languages to learn.)

"Warum?" She asked.

"Denn es gibt viele verschiedene Wörter, die genau dasselbe bedeuten." I say.
(cuz there are a lot of different words that mean the exact same thing.)

"Sounds like you guys are having a full conversation." Dwight says.

"We are. She says she can only speak a little English." I tell Dwight.

Dwight nods.

"We're almost there." Arat says.

"wir sind fast da." I tell Octavia.
(We're almost there.)

"Gut. Wie alt bist du? weil du dich in meinem Alter umsiehst" she asks.
(good. how old are you? because you look around my age)

"ich bin 10." I tell her.
(I'm 10.)

"Dasselbe." She says.

Me and Octavia keep talking until we get there. We all get out of the car and I tell Octavia that this was the sanctuary.

"Du musst unbedingt Negan kennenlernen, mein Vater-" I cut myself off.
(You totally have to meet Negan my dad-)

"Was ist los mit dir?" Octavia asked.
(What's wrong?)

"...ich habe Negan noch nie meinen Vater genannt." i admit.
(... I've never called Negan my dad before.)

"ist er nicht dein Vater?" She asked.
(Is he not your dad?)

"Nien." I say.

"Oh." she says noticing my sad expression.

"Komm schon. Lass uns in mein Zimmer gehen. Dwight wird Negan sowieso von dir erzählen" I say.
(come on. lets go to my room. Dwight will tell negan about you anyway)

"Okay." She says.

We go to my room and hangout for an hour or two.

I turn to Octavia.

"Ja?" She asks curious on why i stopped talking.

"Du musst diesen Kerl kennenlernen, Carl." I tell her.
(You need to meet this guy Carl.)

"Wirklich?" She asked.

"Ja." I say

"er ist so nett. du würdest ihn lieben" I say.
(he's so nice. You would love him.)

"er klingt großartig" she says.
(He sounds awesome.)

"er ist. aber er spricht Englisch" I tell her.
(He is but he speaks English.)

"Nun das ist enttäuschend." She says. I laugh.
(Well that's disappointing.)

Word count: 1043

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