you're blushing

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Rick's POV:

Me and Daryl are on watch on the wall. Suddenly we heard walkers then I saw two people come out of the woods.

One of them is Brooklyn. Why is she here? Shouldn't she be at the sanctuary?

Brooklyn started talking to the other girl in a different language. Then she started knocking on the gate.

"Hey! Anyone!" Brooklyn said while knocking loudly on the gate.

I looked over the gate and said: "Brooklyn?"

"Yeah. Me and my friend here are trying to out run a herd. And I remember what happened last time. So can you let us in?" She asked.

"Yeah, hang on." I say then climb down the ladder and me and Daryl open the gate and Brooklyn and her friend come inside and we close the gate.

"Oh, this is Octavia." Brooklyn says gesturing towards the other girl. "She speaks German."

Octavia waves to us while she's catching her breath and we wave back.

"Does she speak any English?" I asked.

"A little." Brooklyn told us.

"Wait... How the hell did you guys get out of the sanctuary?" Daryl asked.

"Uh.. well we uh we snuck past everyone and just climbed over the fence." Brooklyn said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Um we were going on a supply run." Brooklyn said.

"By yourselves?" I asked.

"...yeah." she said.

"That's dangerous." I said.

"I know. It was my idea. I was being a dumbass." Brooklyn said.

"Language." Daryl said.

I did not expect Daryl out of all people to say that.

"What?" Brooklyn said sounding just as confused as I was.

"You heard me." Daryl said.

"Yeah. Sorry." Brooklyn said.

"You guys can't go back to the sanctuary. Not right now. It's too dangerous. You guys can go back tomorrow." I say.

"Okay." Brooklyn says sounding relieved but a little sad at the same time.

She gives me her gun and Octavia does too. I tell them that they can stay in Brooklyn's house.

They go to her house and me, Daryl, Tara, and a few other people go to lead the herd away from Alexandria.

Brooklyn's POV:

Me and Octavia go to my old house and she sits down on the couch and puts her legs on the couch as well.

I laugh as I see her on the couch and walk to the kitchen to get some water.

"Hallo Brook?" She calls me.
(Hey Brook?)

"Ja?" I say.

"Kannst du jetzt erklären was du meintest?"
(Can you explain what you meant now?) She asked.

"Äh ja, sicher" i start
(Uh yeah, sure)

"Ein paar Tage nach meinem 10. Geburtstag wurde mir langweilig, also ging ich hier außerhalb der Mauern und hatte keine Waffe. Ich traf auf eine Herde Streuner und wäre fast gestorben." I said. ((I know it's a lot))
(a few days after my 10th birthday i got bored so i went outside the walls here and I didn't have a gun. i ran into a herd of walkers and almost died)

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