a life and death game of tag

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                      ⚠️Physical abuse⚠️

Brooklyn's POV:

I feel someone take the knife out of my hand. I open my eyes and see: Carl, Rick, Michonne and Negan. Great now I have to go back to the sanctuary.

"Damn, kid. What happened to you this time?" Negan asked. He always says 'Damn kid' whenever something happens.

"I got chased by walkers." I admitted.

"Well why didn't you kill em'?" Negan asks.

"I didn't have any wepens." I say.

"So you just played tag with a bunch of walkers?" He asked sarcastically.

"Basically. But if I got tagged I died." I say.

Negan chuckles. "How the hell did you even survive." He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't even know."

(( lil tiny time skip to where Brooklyn gets back to the sanctuary.))

I'm not allowed out of the sanctuary. I doubt I will even be let to look outside. Right now I'm just in my room with nothing else to do.

I hate being locked in this room it reminds me of living with my abusive mother. She would lock me in my room whenever I did anything wrong, even if it was an accident.


Brooklyn's POV:

Dad was on a supply run and Mom was sitting on the couch doing whatever she was doing. I was sitting in the kitchen drinking water and reading a book.

I pick up my water and spill a little on the table. Mom looks at me from the couch then comes walking over to me.

"What the hell did you just do you little brat?!" She asks angrily.

"I-i accidentally spilled some water." I stutter.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Huh!?" She yelled.

"It was an accident I swear." I say scared.

She slaps me across the face and grabs my arm and dragged me to my room. She pushed me onto the floor of my room.

"If you come out of this room I will beat the air out of you! Do you understand?!" She yelled.

"Y-yes." I said tears were pouring down my face.

She slams the door and locks it.

"Stupid, selfish little brat." She says walking away from my room and back to the living room.

What did I even do? I just spilled some water.

I sat in my room for an hour or two before Dad came back. He walked in my room confused.

"Why are you in your room?" My dad asked lening on the frame of my bedroom door.

I was about to tell him what mom said but before I could mom walked behind him and said: "oh, she broke a glass cup." She lied.

I glare at her knowing that she just lied to dad about being mean to me.

My dad sighed and turned to me.

"You can't break glass Brooklyn. It's not safe. you could get hurt. And we don't have that many glass cups left." My dad said.

How could he believe her?

"But I didn't break anything." I said.

"And now she's lying about it." My mom said to my dad who just sighed.

"She's lying!" I said pointing to my mom.

My dad turns to me and says: "honey you're being dramatic. Your own mother wouldn't lie about you breaking something."

"But she is lying." I say. Trying to convince him that I'm the one telling the truth.

My dad just sighs and closes my door. Leave me alone in my room.

((End of flashback))

I sigh. My dad never knew my mom would abuse me. And I never told him because I was scared she would hit me.

I just hope my mom's in hell. If she was still alive now I'd hit her back. And they never left me. I ran away.

And I'm glad I did.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it.

I was met with Eugene at the other side of the door.

"Hi." I say.

"Hello. I heard you got into a tussle with some walkers." Eugene said.

"It was more of a life and death game of tag but, yeah." I respond.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to help me talk to Gabriel." He said. With the straightest face ever.

"Sure." I say. I wanted to get out of this room as long as possible.

We walked down the hall and saw the little room that Gabriel was locked in. We walked up to it and Eugene handed me the pillow he was holding so he could knock on the door.

He knocks on the door and says: "hello Gabriel it's Eugene Porter. Dr. Eugene Porter-" he starts.

but I cut him off by knocking on the door And saying: "hey gabe, it's brooklyn and Eugene. We got you a pillow." I say.

Eugene looks at me then back at the door. Still no answer. Eugene opens the door and we see: Gabriel sitting on the ground breathing heavily and shaking.

Me and Eugene look at each other then back at Gabriel. We both crouch down to be at Gabriel's height.

"We need to get Dr. Carson." Eugene said.

"he's not here." I tell him.

"He- he's Maggie's doctor."

Word count: 890

A/N: idk what else is write rn. so that it.

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