A fucking tiger

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I ran through the forest as fast as I could and got lost. I saw Alexandria's gate, and ran towards it.

There were gunshots and screaming inside. I found an entrance in the gate that no walkers could fit through.

I climbed through it and saw: people shooting at other people and people fighting.

I hid behind a car so I wouldn't get shot. I took out my gun, I'm not going to shoot anyone, not if I don't have to.

I saw two women on a house balcony fighting I took out my gun and aimed it at one of them... I could tell which one to shoot. One of them was a savior.

I put my hand on the trigger and aimed at the savior and waited for the other girl to move out of the way so I didn't accidentally hurt her.

The other girl moved and I shot the savior in the chest. The other girl looked in my direction and I just nodded to her as a way of saying 'your welcome.'

Then she pushed the savior of the balcony and the savior screamed. And then I heard Negan say: "well look at that... You just lost someone you love."

I peek my head around the car and see Negan, Carl and Rick. Carl and Rick were kneeling on the ground.

"You know I really didn't want to do this." Negan said with a sigh. "But now.. I'm Ganna kill Carl." He continued.

Oh no. Not if I have anything to do with it. I point my gun at negan... I don't want to shoot him. He saved me.

But he kills innocent people. I aim my gun at negan's head... I can't do it.

I take a deep breath and aim at the side of his head so when I shoot I won't shoot him.

Negan takes Carl's hat off his head and says "sorry kid." Then raises his bat... I shoot. I don't shoot negan I shoot one of the saviors to get his attention.

He stops what he's doing and looks at the now dead savior but before he can look in my direction a tiger jumps on one of the saviors.


then people on horses come with guns and shoot at the saviors. I sigh in relief knowing that Carl is okay, is all that matters to me.

Negan hides behind a car and the saviors start shooting at the people on horses. The tiger starts eating the savior's faces.

Soon enough everyone is shooting at everyone. Like ten minutes later negan and the saviors get in the trucks and leave.

I get up behind the car and watch the saviors leave. Good I don't want to be a savior anymore. I didn't know they killed people.

They kill Innocent people, For no reason.

I sigh when I realize I have nowhere to go. I'm not going back to Negan. I don't want to and I'm not going to.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Carl.

"I-i didn't know they killed people I swear-" I started but Carl interrupted me.

"it's not your fault." Carl said with a reassuring smile.

I sigh in relief. Knowing that Carl doesn't blame me means the world.

"I'm not going back. I can't." I say to Carl.

"You can stay here."

"Are- are you sure? Are you sure you ever want me here? I mean I am a savior... Was a savior." I say sadly.

"You're one of the good ones." Carl says with a smile. "But you'll have to talk to my dad Rick. He's the leader. You'll have to do a whole bunch of stuff. But it'll be worth it." He said.

((Later that day to where Brooklyn is doing the 'interview' thing))

I was sitting in a chair across from Rick and the girl I saved on the balcony.

"How many people have you killed?" Rick asked.

"Five." I say.

"Who were they?" The girl asked.

"Three were saviors. One was the guy that had a gun to Carl's head. And the other one was that girl on the balcony." I admitted.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked.

"None." I admit.

"Why?" Rick asked.

"I've never ran into any." I say.

Rick and the girl look at each other then back at me.

"How have you never ran into any?" The girl asked.

"I've been in the sanctuary. I never would leave." I say.

The girl nodded understandingly. Then stuck her hand out and said: "I'm Michonne."

"Brooklyn." I say shaking her hand.

((A few days later))

I was hanging out with Carl and his little sister Judith.

Carl looks up at me and says: "you know there are other communities right?"

To which I responded: "there are?"

"Yeah." Carl said. "There's the kingdom and hilltop." He said.

"Wow." I say. Alexandria was already a lot better than the sanctuary. But if there were more communities like this, that would be cool.

Carl nodded. "They're really cool." He says.

"Hey do you know what day it is?" I ask.

"Umm." Carl says checking his watch. "It's
may 1st." he says. "Why do you ask?" He asked.

"My birthday is May 2nd." I say.

Word count: 891

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