Me too.

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Brooklyn's POV:

When I turned around I saw: a boy with brown hair and a sheriff's hat. And he was holding a gun up to me.

I put my hands up and surrender.

"How many walkers have you killed?" The boy who looks to be around 14 years old asked.

"Not a lot." I say truthfully.

"How many?" He asked more aggressively.

"Maybe around five." I say.

"How many people have you killed?" The boy asked.

"None." I say.

"Why?" He asked.

"I've never had to." I say.

He lowers his gun.

"I'm Carl." He says.

"I'm Brooklyn." I say.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"Nice to meet you too." He says with a smile. He seems nice.

"I better go." I say. It's getting late and I wanna get back before negan gets out of that meeting.

"Bye." Carl says smiling.

"Bye." I say then start to walk back. I get in through the exit door and go to my room.

When I get in my room I see Simon. I like Simon He's nice and funny.

"Hi." I say.

"Where were you? Negan was worried sick." He says.

"I was walking around." I lie.

"Really? because some people saw you outside." Simon said.

"Well, Some people are hallucinating." I say.

He nods and leaves my room.

I sit my bag down on the floor. And now I'm bored again.

As I sit down on my bed there are gun shots outside so, I quietly jumped up off my bed.

I heard Negan and another guy, whose voice I didn't recognize talking. Or rather arguing.

There were even more gun shots and I heard glass break, A lot of glass.

I backup from the window so none of the glass hits me or I don't accidentally get shot. The gun shots went on for a while but eventually whoever was shooting the windows stopped.

A few minutes later there was an explosion right outside of the building. And after a while the gun shots stopped, well not completely it sounded like only one person was shooting now.

I walked to the door of my room and went to open the door but it was locked.

(The door can be locked from the outside ik that's stupid but it will come in handy... Or not.)

I tried twisting the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying but nothing helped.

I started looking around my room for anything I could use to get the door open. I found a paper clip that should work... I hope.

I grabbed another one and went over to the door and started to pick the lock. I finally got the door open after a few minutes.

I grabbed my gun and walked out of my room quickly. There are walkers everywhere.

I finally made it outside and saw a small wooden cabin. There were walkers surrounding it.

I got inside through a window that was close to the ground and wasn't locked. As soon as I got inside I turned to the window and locked it.

I sighed in relief when I realized I wasn't bit.

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Damn kid." The person said. I was so distracted making sure I wasn't hurt that I didn't notice two other people.

I turned to whoever said that and saw negan and a guy I didn't know.

"oh my god, you scared the shit out of me." I said to negan who just laughed lightly.

"I'd like you to meet a friend." Negan says as he turns to the other guy and says. "This is Gabriel." Then he turns back to me and says:

"Gabe, this is Brooklyn." Negan says.

"Hi." I say to Gabriel with a wave.

"Hello." Gabriel says sounding worried and scared. He was backed into the corner of the room like a scared puppy, but that was normal now. For everyone to be scared.

Both negan and Gabriel were covered in walker guts. Negan had his bat as always.

We were sitting in the room in silence none of us really knowing what to say. I was still by the window.

Negan and Gabriel talk for a little bit and then I hear Gabriel say: "your forgiven."

I turn towards Gabriel and see negan walk up to him and lightly punch is shoulder and say: "thanks."

We continue to just sit there and not say anything. Until Negan turns to me and says "I'm still confused how you got past all those walkers."

"Me too." I say.

"You don't even have a gun. Do you?" He asked.

I hold up my gun slightly above my head so he can see the gun.

"Well, I'm glad you're still alive." Negan says.

"Me too." I say with a nod.

A few minutes pass and walkers start to bang on the walls trying to get in. I turn to the door where the walkers were banging on.

A few seconds later negan says: "alright, no one's coming for us." I'm guessing he wanted to get out of here before he gets torn apart by walkers.

Negan and Gabriel talk for a minute and then negan goes to the window I'm sitting by, and negan tells me to get far away from the window.

I get up and walk away from the window to the other side of the cabin.

Negan unlocked the window and opened it he killed a walker that was close to it and dragged the walker's dead body through the window.

He then took out a knife and cut open the walker's stomach. Taking out its guts and spreading the walker guts all over his jacket.

"Ew." I say disgusted at the sight.

Negan turns to me and shrugs "it's the only way we're Ganna get out of here." He says then turns his attention back to the walker.

Reluctantly me and Gabriel do the same. After we're all covered in walker guts negan opens the door.

The walkers come inside but don't notice us because we smell like one of them.

We walk through the walkers safely and make it in the sanctuary. When we were walking through the walkers I noticed negan holding a gun to Gabriel. ((I'm making this off my memory and I haven't watched TWD in a while so if it's off I'm sorry.))

We get in the sanctuary and we see everyone in a hallway talking and worrying.

We were making our way to the hallway everyone was in and heard a gun shot.

A/N: sorry I haven't made a new chapter in a while I've been working on this one so it's longer and I kept getting stuck and not knowing what to write next sooo sorry.

Word count: 1132

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