what the hell is wrong with you?

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Brooklyn's POV:

I stood beside Octavia while Rick and Negan fought. I don't know whose side I'm on.

They fight for a few minutes.

"Ich will nicht lügen. Ich habe ein bisschen Angst" Octavia admitted.
(Not Ganna lie.. I'm kinda scared.)

"Ich auch." I say.
(Me too.)

I was watching them fight not really listening to what they were saying until I heard rick say: "do you think carl would have wanted this?"

Speaking of Carl, where is he?

"reden sie von Carl?" Octavia asked.
(Are they talking about Carl?)

"Ja." I tell her.

I look around for Carl but don't see him.

Carl's POV from a few days ago:

Me and dad were walking looking for some supplies.

"Do you think Brooklyn is a savior?" I asked dad.

He turned to me "what do you mean?" He asked.

"Do you think she's a savior? I mean she's a good person but she's a savior." I say.

"No. No, Brooklyn is a good person. She helped us, she helped Octavia, She's a good person." Dad said.

I nod. That is true she did help us and Octavia.

"If she's a good person why is she with Negan?" I ask.

"I don't know. She hasn't always been with the savior's. You'd just have to ask her." He says.

I nod. I guess I'll ask.

A few minutes later we were at a gas station and we heard a person I tried to help him but dad scared him away.

After we left I went back by myself. I want to help that guy just like Brooklyn helped Octavia.

"Hello?" I called.

"You're the kid from earlier." He says.

"Yeah. Sorry about my dad." I apologize.

We get to know each other a little bit and I tell him about Alexandria and we walk through the woods to get there.

He tells me about his mother and how she thought that killing the walkers set them free to go to the afterlife.

"You know I have a friend, Brooklyn and she thinks the same thing." I tell him.

He laughs slightly.

"Sounds like her and my mother would get along." He says.

I also found out his name is Siddiq.

((I'm too lazy to write what happened with Carl and Siddiq but if you've seen twd you know so yeah.))

Brooklyn's POV:

((Back to the fight))

After Rick and negan get done talking Rick slights negan's throat. Then tells some of the people of Alexandria to save him. Me and Octavia are speechless.

Maggie tries to run to him to get Rick to kill Negan but machine holds her back. Maggie started yelling about how Rick has to kill Negan for some guy named Glenn.

I still don't know what the hell to say, and it looks like Octavia is the same way.

Rick starts telling the saviors that they can all live together with rules and blah blah blah, i don't know I was in too much shock to listen.

"Eugene sagte nicht, dass er ihn töten würde"
(Eugene didn't say he was going to kill him.)
Octavia said.

I didn't say anything. I was just staring at Rick. Well not staring more like glaring.

I don't know what I feel, sad, angry, surprised. I don't know.

"Hallo? Brooklyn?" Octavia said trying to get my attention
(Hello? Brooklyn?)

I snap out of it and turn to her.

"Ja?" I say.

She looks at me with a worried expression. Then I look back at Rick.

((lil time Skip to where everyone is back at Alexandria))

I was walking down the street when I saw Rick so I walked up to him.

"Is negan Ganna be okay?" I ask.

Rick looks at me confused. "Why do you care?"

"Chill, when did you become negative Nancy? I just wanna know if he's going to be okay." I say.

"..he'll be fine. But we're Ganna put him in a cell" Rick says.

"Damn. For fucking what?" I ask a little annoyed. Okay well more than a little.

"What do you mean for what?" Rick asked.
((Keep in mind that no one except Octavia knows that negan is Brooklyn's Dad))

"I mean why would you lock him in a cell." I say.

"Because he's a savior. And he did a lot of bad things. He killed people, Brooklyn. A lot of people" Rick says.

"You think I don't fucking know what? I'm a savior too. You Ganna lock me in a fucking cage now?!" I ask sarcastically.

"That's different." He says.

"yeah, different my ass!" I say.

Daryl's POV:

I was walking down the street when I saw Brooklyn and Rick talking, well at least Rick was talking, Brooklyn was yelling.

I walk up to them just as Brooklyn says "yeah, different my ass!"

I turn to Rick. "What the hell is she talking about?" I ask him then Brooklyn scoffs.

"She's upset because we're putting negan in a cell.....? I don't know" he says, confused.

I turn to Brooklyn and ask: "why are you upset? Why do you even care?"

She glares at me "why the hell would you care?" She asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask.

"Daryl-" Rick tries to get me to calm down but I cut him off.

"Nah." I say to him.

"I'll tell you what the hell's wrong with me" Brooklyn half shouts then says "you fucking pricks are about to put the only family i have left in a god damn cage."

Me and Rick turn to her confused.

"Would you be all happy if some fucking assholes locked your dad in a cell?" She asked not realizing what she said.

Me and Rick are speechless.

She realizes what she said then looks around and sees everyone in Alexandria gathered around us, listening.

She turns back to me and Rick then scoffs and walks away.

Brooklyn's POV:

After I walked away I ran straight to my house and slammed the front door open and saw Octavia.

"Hallo." She says to me.

I ignore her and go to my room and get a bag and put my gun, knife, bullets, and some water in it then go back downstairs.

Octavia sees me and says: "Wohin gehst du?"
(Where are you going?)

Word count: 1055

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