1 How it all began

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Marauders Era

It was another day at Hogwarts when there was a bang and in came the Potter's, Black's, Malfoy's, Tonks' and Lestrange's. Dumbledore got up to say something when a string of fire appeared and formed a parchment, it went and fell into Marlene's lap. She read it aloud:

Dear people of the past,

we wanted you to change the future. The time is frozen outside the room. We will be sending a few guests from the future, please explain to them the situation and you cannot leave this place, living arrangements for you have been done.

thank you


Then there were a bright, golden flash and people fell out of nowhere. Everyone had fallen except a girl, who had balanced herself somehow. The others got up when people saw everyone's faces and gasps were heard. The people from the future removed their wands before Dumbledore quickly explained the situation and showed them a letter.

When everyone had settled down, "You should probably introduce yourselves," said Dumbledore.


"Sirius Orion Black"

"Remus John Lupin"

"Ronald Billius Weasley"

"Hermione Jean Granger"

"Harry James Potter"

"Lilith Lily Potter"

"Lyra Remus Lupin"

"Tony Stark"

"Steve Rogers"


"Bruce Banner"


"Clint Barton"



"Yelena Belova"

"Natasha Romanoff"

Then lastly spoke the girl who had kept her balance and pulled her hood up rather quickly then lowering it down, she spoke in a plain flat voice, (she had walked up so she was between Yelena and Natasha)

"Reyana Marlene Sirius Regulus Black"

And then the three girls had started to fight as soon as Rey had spoken her name, Nat hit her, but she ducked so that the kick went to Yel and a huge fight broke out, everyone was gaping at the sight, then click, all eyes turned to Rey. She had two guns in her hands, both Yel and Nat removed guns, each the three were moving together before Rey kicked Nat who had kicked Yel. The avengers quickly went and separated Nat. After a few moments, the three were separated. Yelena was with Melina and Alexi, Natasha with the avengers. Reyna was beside Sirius. They all decided to stay quiet about Black. (As they had been transferred from the trios third year.)

"Okay." spoke James slowly.

"What the fuck!" Regulus let out.

The three girls glared at each other in hate. Well, more like Rey and Yel at Nat.

Suddenly a screen appeared.

Then a golden ring appeared, and other people came out.

" Hello! I am Stephen Strange, and I send you the letter."

" So, it was you." Tony spoke up. He merely nodded.

"I am Damian Nightshade." He was a handsome boy in the same year as the girls.

"I've never seen you before." Reyana said in a soft voice.

" Don't worry about that, you have now." He said with a wink which made her look away from him quickly.

Everyone looked at the newcomers, taking it all in. After a while, James's spoke up again, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"So, when are you guys from, exactly?" He asked.

Reyana looked over at him. "Me, I'm from 2001, that's when most of us are from. But some people like Loki and Tony are from 2012."

James nodded, pleased that someone answered his question.

" So, let's start watching the movies, shall we??" Strange questioned.

Everyone sat. Reyana, Yelena and Natasha made sure to keep the distance.

The screen lit up and the scene started with.

I know it's a short chapter, but the other ones will be huge. And yes, I'm doing another reaction thing, but this is totally movie based.

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