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"Ask no questions and I'll tell no lies." Reyana announced as about almost everyone turned to her. She gave them a cold look. Her family looked like they wanted to argue but before they could they got interrupted by Damian who was heading Reyana's way. One look at him and everyone froze. He looked furious.

Watching as he made his way towards her Rey got up ready to fight if needed. Damian stopped right in front of her eyes burning with wildfire. "Why the fuck did you not tell me?" His voice cold filled with anger. It was like spitting pure acid. He towered over her looking down at her.

Now Reyana Black wasn't short. Damian was simply abnormally tall. She had a good height of 5'7 but he looked somewhere around 6'1. So, naturally she had to tilt her head to meet his eyes. Her eyes were completely blank. She slowly blinked wondering if she should piss him of more or not. Finally deciding against it she replied, "Tell you what Nightshade?"

"You know exactly what you crawler." He spat.

"Did you just call me spider?"

"That's what you are aren't you?"

"Ahhh good one. A point to you."

"Stop beating around the bush and start spitting vedova." He said switching to Italian at the last moment.

"Listen. I have no whatsoever intentions of letting all these people know that one thing I've worked so hard to keep hidden. So you can't simply expect me to jump up and hug you tell you who I am and what I'm doing here." Reyana said her voice low.

Damian simply stared at her gritting his teeth.

"I want to kill you." He finally spoke his voice was heard by everyone.

"Cazzo! I am going to kill you."

Reyana simply stared. She couldn't blame him. Really she couldn't. They stared at each other before Damian started closing the distance between them and Reyana stumbled back. Falling onto the couch he stared at her before his hand went to his neck and he pulled a necklace from his neck. He threw it in her lap before walking back.

He paused turned around and gave her a cold hard stare before saying, "You are an absolutely motherfucking bitch Black. When you die I hope you die in pain because you deserve it."

"Yes . Yes I do." She said. He was right. She did deserve to die in pain. It was something she knew the moment she was kidnapped.

The hall watched them with bathed breaths before Strange clapped his hands. "I have two guests that I think should join us." With that said he made a circular motion with his hand and a portal appeared. Out fell a man with shoulder length hair which seemed to be cut by a knife. He was amazingly fit and tall. When he moved hi left arm glinted and that's when everyone realised it was a metal arm. He seemed panicked at the sudden change in scenery before eyes landed on the avengers. "Bucky " Steve breathed. They stared at each other until Reyana interrupted her voice barely whisper, "солдат?" (Soldier?)

He was quick to turn around and the sight he saw made him almost shriek. "Calm down." Strange said. You're seeing her past self. She didn't deage miraculously."

"I-I what?" He turned around to finally stare at the sorcerer supreme. Strange was quick to fill him. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to Rey addressing her, "I was with the older version of you just moments ago. Seeing you like this almost gave me a heart attack." He told her.

"You escaped?" She finally said.

"Sort of."

Reyana stared before she couldn't hold it anymore and the next thing he knew he was being crushed in a hug by the petite girl. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she sobbed saying things in Russian. After the two calmed strange made another portal and this it was a woman who stood there.

She stared for a second before pulling out a wand. "Please calm down." Dumbledore said at once.

"You're Albus Dumbledore." She stated. Not questioned. Her Italian accent caught Damian's attention as he narrowed his eyes at her. She looked distinctly familiar to him.

"Yes that's right."

"You're the headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Yes that is also correct."

"Hogwarts. Which is in Britain."


"What the hell! Porca vacca! (Holy Cow!) What am I doing here?!" She questioned them.

"Please calm down." It was Strange who said it this time.

"Absolutely not! How can you expect me to I am all the way to Britain. TO BRITAIN!! I was moments ago in Italy with my marito (husband)."

Sensing her panic Damian walked towards her raising his hand, "Ehi, va bene. Calmati. Lascia che ti spieghi cosa le stai facendo. (Hey it's okay. Calm down. Let me explain what you're doing her.)"

She stared at him like she had seen a ghost.

"Enrico? " she finally asked.

Damian jerked back at once. "Come mi hai chiamato? (What did you call me?)"

"Non sei il mio Enrico, vero? (You're not my Enrico are you?)" The woman asked.

"Il tuo Enrico?(Your Enrico?)" he questioned. "Enrico. Come in Enrico Nightshade? (Enrico. As in Enricho Nightshade?)"

She nodded at once. And the moment she did Damian's blood ran cold as he snapped his head towards Strange. "Is that.." he nodded.

Damian couldn't believe it. Here standing right in front of him in flesh and bone was none other Alessia. His ,"Mamma." He breathed out. She stared at him before her eyes widened, "Damian?" He nodded and the next moment he was crushing his mother in a hug. He could feel the tears running down his cheeks but couldn't care less. He was seeing her. His mother. The woman he loved so much but could not even remember. He didn't even remember her face. That's how young he was when she had died. Apparently by the looks of it she was already married. She already had him. She had already met Enrico which meant he had to warn her of her death. He was about to say so but Strange told him not to. They explained her everything after the reunion.

"Can I- Can I ask you something?" Damian whispered finally. Alessia nodded. "What is your name?"

She stared at him. "I'm dead aren't I?" He nodded. "And I left you alone with him didn't I?" He nodded again. "He's absolutely cruel to you. Isn't he?" He nodded again.

Alessia sighted, " I am so sorry Cara mio. I will not let this happen this time. Okay?" He nodded.

"it's Alessia." She finally said, answering his question. "Alessia Nightshade now. But formerly Alessia Bianchi."

He smiled.

"Well then let us resume."

I am so disappointed with this chapter but I just didn't know what to write. Hence the long absence. Anyway hoping to twice again today.

do u want the rest of the chapters tomorrow? Or do you want me to distribute it in two three days?

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