28 Bravery

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And happy in advance birthday to Reyana Black (and me) consider it a treat. I'm hoping to update soon again hopefully with two chapters.

[Sure enough, As the chamber glows with light, a kind of battlefield is revealed, studded with faceless soldiers.]

Younger students gasped in horror.

Hermione: But what're we to do?

"It's a bit obvious. Isn't it?" Asked a Ravenclaw.

[As Hermione takes a tentative step onto the board, a BISHOP'S STONE SWORD drops heavily down, barring her way.]

Ron: It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room. Excuse me.... are we meant to join you? [as the bishop nods]. Brilliant. [to Harry, Hermione] Now don't be offended, but neither of you are particularly good at chess--

"Just say it Ronnie." Fred rolled his eyes. "We know you're the best in chess."

Lilith: We're not offended, Ronnie.

Harry: Just tell us what to do.

Ron: All right. Harry, you take the empty Queenside Bishop's square. Hermione-- you'll be the Queenside castle. Lilith, the Kingside castle, Lyra the Kingside Bishop. And Reyana you-

[Reyana breaks him off]

Reyana: I get the most powerful one of them all. AHA!

The hall laughs and smiles at her antics.

[She does a triumphant gesture before standing majestically and ordering] I'm your Queen you useless brats! Bow to me. Despite the tension everyone lets out laughs.] I said BOW TO ME!!

A few younger children get up to bow as Reyana sits up straighter. Almost everyone (even the Slytherins) say, "All hail to Queen Reyana"

"Yes that's how you do it!" Rey said as she flipped her hair behind her back.

"I definitely like her." Steve says.

"Now if your done vedova." Damian says. Reyana immediately rolls her eyes at him for calling her that.

"Sit down little soldier." Bucky says for old times sake.

[Everyone gives Reyana a curtsey before Ron speaks again.]

Ron: Yes, your majesty. Now. As for me...

[Ron leaps astride the only riderless horse.]

Ron: ...I'll be a Knight.

"Of course you would be!" Twins chuckled.

Hermione: What happens now?

Ron: We play.

Reyana: White moves first.

McGonagall looked closely, how the children were going to beat her chessboard was beyond her.

[As Reyana said, Across the board, a WHITE PAWN moves forward two squares (e4). As Ron contemplates his own move, Hermione glances apprehensively at the fierce pieces across the board]

Hermione: Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like real wizard's chess, do you?

"It is, Miss Granger." McGonagall said sadly.

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