1 Finally!!

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Just me randomly writing half the chapter at BLOODY 5 AM!!


"Let's have a break then?" Strange called.

"Yeah I need to stretch my legs." Tony said as he cracked his neck. He then stood up and walked over to Reyana. "So how do you know little Miss Triple Imposter here?" He asked nodding towards Natasha.

Reyana regards the said redhead coldly with her gaze. "We have history..."

"What sort of history?"

"What's it to you?" Reyana snapped back sharply. Her warm demeanor slowly fading away once again.

She stood up and walked over to the older version of her father.

"We need to talk." She stated.

"Yeah we do Sirius sighed.

"No you do not." The older Remus said walking over and pulling Reyana away from the prison escapee. "I don't support it."

"Who are you to restrict my daughter from talking to me." Sirius called irritated.

"Her LEGAL guardian. One who has been present unlike somebody else." Remus shot.

"Well clearly have done a good job because it seems like she's been through some absolute shit Lupin!" Sirius exclaimed his short temper starting to make an appearance.

"Well I'm sorry but she was left to fend off for herself in freaking burning house. You left her there to DIE all alone you two faced bastard!" Remus shouted.

Everyone was watching the two like a tennis match. Reyana sighed irritated that her godfather still believed that bullshit about her father.

"I didn't left her to die-"

"YES YOU DID SIRIUS!" Remus shouted the wolf in him getting madder.

"ENOUGH!" Reyana shouted. "Why the fuck are you two shouting your heads off!?! You're supposed to be adults be little mature. And for gods sake! The two of you used to be best friends! What happened to that!?" She questioned.

When they both opened their mouths to respond Reyana held up her hand to shut them up. "Nope. I don't wanna hear it."

She then turned to Strange with a determined look. "Strange can you access any memory and show it on that screen?"

"Well yeah. I can. Why?"

"Good. I got a memory to show everyone and not a single word leaves anyone's mouth." Reyana threatened.

"Right. Well I got four more people to add so how about we bring them here and then explain the situation to them? Then we can see whatever it is that you want to show us." Stephan bargained.

"Fine. And I AM going to talk to him. He is my father and he has every right to overrule your guardianship on me and technically speaking you aren't even my actual guardian it should be Snape considering he was the one who found me." Reyana explained to Remus.

"Snape!?" Sirius questioned startled.

"There's a LOT you need to know." Reyana simply said. "But before we go into my very questionable life choices and living conditions, which thinking of it now is a huge ass story, we NEED to talk."

"Alright then." Sirius sighed.

"Let's go!" Reyana exclaimed.

The father, daughter duo left the Great Hall. Remus was mad and a little worried for his goddaughter, he knew how much it hurt her.

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