2 Dobby's Warning

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Everyone is excited. Reyana still hasn't gotten her eyes of Damian. But when the movie starts she has to as he nudges her. Trying to process what she heard she keeps looks at the screen.

[In the clouds during sunset, we see the Warner Bros. Pictures shield moving towards the screen and rotates out of the shot. Then, the film's title in golden letters slowly zooms through the camera afterwards; it is a quiet summer evening in Surrey. is in his bedroom looking at the picture book that gave him at the end of his first year at Hogwarts; he looks at the picture of him as a baby with his parents, then turns the page to look at a picture of him with his closest friends, and ; he then hears his owl Hedwig chirping and hooting in her cage.]

"Oh Harry! We are so so sorry about that summer." Hermione apologises.

"It wasn't your fault. And, besides you made up for it."

"Why what happened? " James questioned.

"You'll see." Harry says.

Harry: I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. [Hedwig nibbles at her lock, squawking loudly] Besides, if Uncle Vernon--

Lilith: Jinxed it.

Vernon: [angrily from downstairs] Harry Potter!

Harry: [glances downstairs then looks at Hedwig before closing his book and going downstairs] Now you've done it.

Lilith: I swear to gods! If he shouts your name one more time then I'm gonna behead him!

"WOAH! What are you doing there?" Lily and James ask at the same time.

Lilith shrugs, "It was a spend the vacation with your siblings vacation."


"I went to stay with Harry, Lyra went to Archer who was at Romania with Charlie and Reyana well she." Lilith grimaced.

"I spend my vacation at the Malfoy Manor." Reyana said.

"WHAT! Why?" and such questions were bombarded at her.

"I wanted to spend time with my cousins. We had so much fun, even Dora came." Reyana said.

"Oh yeah remember the prank we pulled on Draco?" Cassius asked.

"That was fun." Reyana said giggling.

"It was NOT!" Draco called.

"What happened?" Damian asked curiously.

"Well we got really mad at Draco, I don't remember why though, but anyway so in order to make him suffer we gave hima makeover and dyed his hair pink. He didn't look that bad though." Rey explained.

Harry: I'll be right back.

Lilith: You want me to tag along?

Harry: Nah! I'm fine.

[In the kitchen, Petunia is working on a cake as Harry enters.]

Petunia: He's in there, Vernon.

[Harry enters the living room, where Uncle Vernon is getting Dudley dressed up.]

"I can't believe I'm related to these pigs." Lilith says scrunching her nose in distaste.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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