17 Three-Headed Sentinel

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[The three are walking up a staircase in the Grand Staircase tower. A railing pulls in, Hermione looks, but continues walking.]

Ron: I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.

Harry: Who doesn't?

Good point someone said.

[The staircase shudders and begins to move. The three grab the railings.]

Ron: Ahh!

[Hermione gasps]

Harry: What's happening?

"You're just like this idiot, Harry." Sirius said to Harry, pointing James. "I hope you've got lily's brain, not his rotten one."

"Well, can't disagree on that one." Said Remus.

"Hey." James pouted at his two best friend.

Hermione: The staircases change, remember? [The staircase stops, joining to staircases. Reyana is standing on it. The staircase moves again this time taking Rey along with it, leading to a corridor.]

Reyana: Siriusly?

Sirius grinned at the pun.

Harry: [taps Ron] Let's go this way. Rey wait up.

Ron: Before the staircase moves again.

[They all open a door and walk into a spooky, dark and deserted corridor.]

Harry: Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?

Hermione: We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.

Reyana: Interesting.

[Suddenly, a flame lights on a tall stone support. At that moment, Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, comes running in and meows. The group jumps.]

Harry: Let's go.

[Mrs. Norris meows]

Hermione: It's Filch's cat!

Reyana: I love cats, but I've always wanted to hex that one.

Sirius gasped. "How could you!" He hid his face in his girlfriend's shoulder and fake cried. "My puppy thinks cats are better than dogs."

"I didn't say that." Reyana face palmed.

"You'd better ignore him or it gets worse." Marlene smirked.

"Now I'm feeling so betrayed." Sirius pouted.

Harry: Run!

[The four run through the corridor, flames are lit up on the stone supports, one by one, as they run past. They get to the end of the corridor, to a door.]

Harry: Quick! Let's hide though that door!

[Harry grabs the handle, but it's locked.]

Harry: It's locked!

Ron: That's it, we're done for!

Hermione: Oh, move over! [pushes through and pulls out her wand, aiming it at the lock]Alohomora. [The door's lock lifts up magically and it opens.] Get in. [They bustle in.]

Ron: Alohomora?

Hermione: Standard book of spells, Chapter 7.

"You even remembered the chapter?" George's jaw dropped.

Lyra closed it.

Hermione just gave a sheepish smile.

[Filch arrives at the start of the corridor with a light. Mrs. Norris looks at him.]

Filch: Anyone here, my sweet? [Mrs. Norris meows] Come on. [they leave the corridor.]

"Wow! He didn't even looked for a second" James said genuinely surprised.

"For a good reason." Harry mumbled.

Hermione: Filch is gone.

Reyana: And he didn't even look. (Frowning turns around )

Ron: Probably thinks this door's locked.

Hermione: It was locked.

Harry: And for good reason. [Ron and Hermione turn to stand with Harry and Reyana. There is a massively huge three headed dog sleeping in front of them. The dog begins to wake. It growls, yawns, and growls more...noticing the intruders.]

"Ahhhhh!" Younger students yelled. Even the adults looked scared.

"Professor, you kept a bloody Cerberus in the castle full of kids in a room which can be opened with a simple alohomora." Dorcas yelled.

"That is really unsafe Albus." Minerva shrieked.

"If something happens to my son and his friends, there'll be lots of consequences professor. " Lily was red as her hair

All (except Reyana): AHHHHHHH!

[The four bolt, running out of the door. They turn quickly to shut the door and battle against the dog. They get the door shut and run.]

"Yes! Run. Run."​​​​​​​ Students said.

"Oh San Rocco, per favore, tienila al sicuro." (Oh St. Rocco please keep her safe.) Damian mumbled praying for Reyana. His mother looked at him but kept quiet.

[They return to the Gryffindor Common Room. They are breathless.]

Ron: What do they think they're doing?? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.

"We'd also like to know that." Said Remus

Hermione: You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?

Ron: I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice, there were three! [they begin to climb the stairs to the dorms.]

Reyana: It was standing on a trap door. Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.

Harry: Guarding something?

"Did you really had to say that?" Lilith asked groaning. knowing that Harry was getting more and more curious.

Hermione: That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed... or worse, expelled! [turns and leaves, shutting the door to her dormitory.]

"I'm sorry. What?" Yelena asked.

"Did she just say expelling is worst than death?" That was Natasha. Two black widows looked at each other with confused look and shrugged.

"Hermionaphobia." Harry, Ron said together.

"What?" Damian asked.

"Fear of being killed or worse expelled. " Lyra quoted. Hermione was red and shot them a glare.

Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities!

"Agreed." Said Regulus

Reyana: Agreed

Both Reyana and Regulus chuckled at this.

[Harry nods in agreement]

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