13 Sorting

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First off I am terribly sorry for not updating for ages ! I'm a terrible author when it comes to writing schedules so please forgive me. 

Secondly, the first part will be completed in two days.

Thirdly, the second part may begin soon after.

And lastly, get ready for a brand new version of mischief managed, a non reaction version to be specific. The name is Drunk On Your Love it will be following Reyana's POV most of the time. And it starts from the first year of the girls. And the prologue is absolutely shitty. So you have been warned. But the chapters are good I think so at least. Anyway you will realise my actual writing style. And please tell me what u think abt the book. The already written chapters will be published within this week.

And PS sorry for errors in the chapter but the songs are distracting me. Currently its daechwita. Anddd it switched to PINK! (U should listen to them. They r really good songs. Daechwita is by SUGA BTS and PINK (freak ver.) by Elliot Lee and GIRLI.)

Anyway ON HO!

The Sorting Hat

[She leads everyone through two large doors and into the Great Hall, where there are four long tables with thousands of students, as well as floating candles. The roof appears to be the sky.]

Oh wow! The ones who had never had the chance to watch this ceiling are mindblown.

How is this possible?" Thor asked. « It reminds me of home."

"Asgard?" Tony asked.

He nodded.

"As for your question Mr Thor I'm about to answer it." Hermione tells him.

Hermione: It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.

"Oh! Lily the second." James said.

[McGonagall leads the first-years to the front where the Sorting Hat lies on the stool.]

McGonagall: Will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.

[Dumbledore rises from the main table.]

Dumbledore: I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students.

"Yet you send students there for detentions." Lilith mumbled. She was still entirely pissed at that.

Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch [shows a ragged old man, called Mr. Argus Filch, with his cat with red eyes, called Mrs. Norris.] has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you. [He sits back down]

"Way to spike the curiosity Dumblydoor." Tony spoke.

Many of them snorted.

"Oh gods Tony! It's Dumbledore." Damian gasped for breath.

McGonagall: When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger.

Hermione: [to herself] Oh, no. Okay, relax. [She goes up]

" I was nervous back then." Hermione defended herself.

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