26 A Day at Hogwarts

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Vulgar language, verbal abuse and mention of killing.

[Students flock onto the sunny Hogwarts grounds, finished with·exams.]

Hermione: I'd always heard Hogwarts' end of year exams were frightful. But I found that rather enjoyable. Weren't you stunned not to be asked about Elfric the Eager?

Students looked at Hermione as she was some sort of alien and Hermione blushed.

"Oh Merlin, that's a mini Lily." James groaned as Lily rolled her eyes.

Ron: I'm stunned my head didn't explode.

Ron: [Notices Harry's pained face] Alright there, Harry?

Harry: My scar Keeps burning [Harry rubs his scar]

Lily and James looked at each other.

Hermione: It happened before?

Harry: Not like this.

"Does it hurt terribly?" Asked Lily with concern.

[Harry glances across the grounds at Hagrid, sitting in his front garden playing a flute. At his feet, Fang's eyes droop.]

"Fang's so cute... I want a dog." Reyana said.

"I love dogs too." Yelena agreed. "I always wanted but..." she trailed off.

"Moons?" Reyana questioned.

"Oh absolutely not." Older Remus said.

"Absolutely yes you mean." Older Sirius said.

The two friends had a staring match and Sirius won.

Reyana grinned at her father who let a small smile slip.

Harry: [Thinking] No...

Hermione: Harry?

Ron: [Confused] What do you mean 'no'?

[Harry starts walking across the grounds, Hermione and Ron glance at one another, rush after him.]

Harry: Don't you think it's a bit odd, that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon? And a stranger turns up who just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pocket? Why didn't I see it before?

"Oh damn it!" Lilith said catching up.

"Hagrid!!" Many groaned.

[In hagrid's hut.]

Harry: Hi. Hagrid, ​that night you got Norbert? What did the stranger gave him to you look like? [ asks quickly]​​​​​​

"We were so stupid " A Ravenclaw groaned.

[Hagrid shrugs, goes on polishing the flute in his hand.]

Hagrid: Ne'er saw his face. Kept his hood up.

"What?" Adults groaned.

Harry: Didn't that strike you as unusual?

Hagrid: Yeh meet a lot o' unusual types in the village. Ain't 'xactly usual meself.

Harry: This stranger, though. You and he must've talked.

Hagrid: He asked what I did, the sorta creatures I look after. Tol' him after Fluffy a dragon would be easy.

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