4 Letters from No One

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Hey here's another people!

Letters from No One

[Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled-up Dudley come in.]

"Ha! That git deserved it!" Lucius Malfoy commented.

Reyana cast a look at the man. Who was unfortunately her uncle.

Petunia: [assuring a distressed Dudley] It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right.

The Marauders, the two pair of pranking twins, (Fabian and Gideon Prewett and Fred and George Weasley.), Damian Nightshade and the sisters of chaos sniggered remembering the incident.

[They walk in the living room. Harry and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves Harry against a wall, taking his hair.]

Roars of outrage could be heard in the great hall. Everyone was furious as to how a man could raise a hand on his own nephew no matter how much he hates him.

Sirius kept a blank expression and turned to Harry, he questioned him in a blank voice, " Did that vermin abuse you? Answer my question truthfully."

The way his godfather questioned him terrified Harry, so he answered truthfully like Sirius asked, "Not physically but verbally a bit."

Sirius took a calming breath and gave a firm nod. "Good, then I'll let him live perhaps."

The curses that were shared soon quieted down.

Harry: Ow!

Vernon: What happened?!

Harry: I swear I don't know! [Vernon snarls] One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!

[Vernon scoffs at this, shoves Harry in the cupboard under the stairs and slams the door]

Vernon: There's no such thing as magic! [he blackens out the vent on the door]

James grits his teeth trying to control his anger along with the others.

[An owl flies into view and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roof]

[The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his smartest school uniform, posing and smiling grandly.]

Petunia: Aww, smile. [She takes a photograph of him. She gasps in joy.] Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week you'll be off to Smelting's.

Vernon: Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life.

The marauders gagged and a few other scrunched their nose or winced at the sight.

Harry: Will I have to wear that, too?

"Heaven please no!!" Melina gasped in horror. The black widows looked at their adoptive mother.

[They draw their attention to Harry]

Petunia: What, you? Go to Smeltings? [Harry nods, questionably]

Vernon: Ha!

[They laugh in amusement]

Petunia: Oh, don't be so stupid, you're going to the state school where you belong.

"Thank god's" James said relieved although he scowled at the next statement.

[Goes to the kitchen and fishes out a grey shirt in a boiler.] And this is what you're going to be wearing when I've finished dyeing it.

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