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Nightmares in wonderland has always been non existent, many did not worry about having them due to the fact they were in a world of dreams. Although some were left worrying- they knew they were safe from the clutches of a nightmare. But couldn't help but feel a bit unsafe, more so due to a legend or myth that went around wonderland. 'Wonderland, this world of dreams will fall into Nightmares. It will spread and time shall be reversed. Attempts made and yet she fails, causing her anger. Balance will return to wonderland. Stopping this endless loop.' It was a fairly old legend that was found when wonderland was first created by pure imagination. The legend, however, is sealed away in the castle where its kept safe from the people of wonderland. In fact, the legend is almost completely forgotten since no one has heard of it in ages. It was like a candle and it was on the brinks of dying out. After the discovery of the nightmare with Lunar, they decided to head somewhere to forget about it after having breakfast in an uncomfortable silence. Rainbow took a mention on taking falice through wonderland, that way they could forget about the nightmare and falice could see more of wonderland. It was settled, Lunar after regaining some energy, she teleported them to the gingerbread village like Draco had mentioned when they were back at the teahouse.

Falice stared in amazement as she observed the village Infront of her. The houses were made of gingerbread- well ofcourse It was. It was topped with sweets and candy canes, reinforced with royal icing. The doors were made of chocolate and the trees were giant lollipops- the sky looked different as well. It was a soft shade of pink with what seemed to be cotton candy as clouds. "Amazing right?" Said Rainbow, giggling as she sees falice's amazement, turning back to face lunar, who already helped herself to some of the candy in the village. Lunar smiled with the lollipop stuffed inside her mouth, grasping onto the sweets and other things she had collected (stolen), Rainbow rolled her eyes playfully before laughing. She was already starting to forget about the nightmare.

"Are you ready to check out the village falice- Falice?" She turned around to see no one by her side, she looked both ways to still see no one. "Falice-?" Rainbow faced the village to see falice and lunar strolling through the village, with falice admiring the place and lunar sneakily taking the sweets from the villagers baskets. She chuckled and then smiled, "Guys wait up!" Rainbow made her way towards the two, who were both getting further and further away. As she was running, she suddenly trips over something. No one took notice due to everyone being occupied with their own things. "Rainbow are you ok?" Falice asked, Making rainbow lift her head and get up slowly. "Yea-" She looks down to her legs, her socks were below her knees since her other pair was being washed, And now on her knee was a scratch from the fall. "It's just a small scratch, nothing to worry about" As she observed more, it was a small stone.

Strange. How did a stone end up here- in gingerbread village of all places. "Lunar said there's going to be a ball in a few days, Can we go? Please Rainbow! Pretty please!" She sighed, ofcourse It was lunar who told her. Although it didn't seem like too much of a bad idea. "I'll think about it" Replied Rainbow, a smile illuminated on falice's face, watching falice go to lunar again. Who was sitting on a bench, waiting for falice to come back before standing up again. Rainbow watch Falice drag lunar around the village, it brought a smile to her face. She knew falice was probably missing her home but was too distracted by the things she could see in wonderland to think about home.

Rainbow followed behind them in the crowd of villagers that were walking around or standing in crowds, it was a bit more crowded than it usually was. As she made her way through, she thought about the ball that was going to happen in a few days. How could she have forgotten. She moved to a less crowded place in the village and took something out of her pocket. A white envelope with a rose stamp in the center. A personal invite to the ball- she could bring along a few people if she wanted. She put the envelope back into her pocket and went to go find the two, where ever they were..



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