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The warmth of the room made falice feel much better after standing in the cold for a bit, even though it was just to cool down. She followed Rainbow, desperately trying to catch up to rainbow through the crowds of people that were in her way. Eventually she did, Meeting up with Draco and Lunar who were now standing by a pillar. Draco smiled, "I see you found Rainbow" He said, Looking at rainbow who just chuckled. "Sorry for just disappearing, I had go do something" replied Rainbow, Lunar and Draco nodded in understanding, knowing rainbow was always somehow busy. "Now enough about that- let's go enjoy this ball while it lasts!" She added, grabbing falice by the hand and taking her in a dance. Falice sighed, she was always being dragged somewhere. She glanced at Draco, who was now dancing with a blonde haired girl with purple eyes, she didn't really seem interested in what he was saying- which was about a spring? but she was clearly enjoying herself. Falice faced rainbow to see that she was looking elsewhere, focused on something. Falice's gaze wandered around the ball, eventually resting on the same person she had landed eyes with before. She quickly looked away, turning back to rainbow.

"So uh, what are you thinking about?" Questioned Falice, breaking the somewhat awkward silence between them as they danced to the piano in the background. Rainbow looked at her with no emotion before smiling, "Oh just about the conversation I had earlier" she replied, Only growing falice's curiosity to what it was about. "Who were you talking to..?" The moment she asked, they stopped dancing. Rainbow stared into her eyes for a few seconds. "To Valerie" Rainbow simply said, and Falice nodded. She didn't know who that was but she was just going to pretend that she knew. Then her mind shifted back to when she was outside, she looked at her hand. But certainly- anyone could do that here in wonderland, couldn't they?. This was a magical world after all, but something just didnt sit right with her.

She left as if someone had been watching her from afar. "Draco seems to be enjoying himself" Rainbow stated, chuckling to herself as she observed Draco dance with the girl. Falice turned to see Draco still going on and on about the spring, while the girl was starting to become interested although just slightly. "Yea he does.." She added, observing the two just dance and laugh to something Draco had said, Leaving him embarrassed. "Say, Rainbow can I ask a question?" Falice asked, both of them looking at eachother. Rainbow smiled, "ofcourse!" She responded almost immediately. Well the old rainbow was back, Falice smiled as well before it went away. Her gaze moving back to the woman she had locked eyes with, "that lady over there..who is she?" Questioned Falice, Rainbow turned to see who Falice was talking about, Before looking at Falice again. "She's the queen of wonderland, 'Gold hearts'. Although I recommend not getting on her bad side, you don't wanna get sent to the dungeons or.." as rainbow replied, she ran a finger through her neck. Falice understood by what she meant, when she turned to look again. Gold, the queen, was in the middle of talking to a guard with blue hair. "Ok I guess..." Falice said softly.

"..Wonderland surely does have the best hot springs! I can even take you there if you want. Don't answer that miss-?" Draco stated, stopping the dance they were having as a different song plays in the background. The blonde haired girl sighed, "It's Harriette, for the tenth time" She added, putting her hands on her hips as she looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Oh how could I forget the name of such a wonderful maiden" She rolled her eyes but looked away smiling, enjoying his complement. Draco watched falice and rainbow go to dessert table and looked back at Harriette. "I need to go- save me the next dance?" He asked, just as he was about to leave, Receiving a nod from her. With that he walked away and joined Falice and rainbow at the table..



My brain died writing this chapter

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