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No one can find out about my job, they only know that i work at a restaurant a few miles off from where we live, but it's all a lie anyways. I've kept my job a secret for 8 months and i don't plan on telling anyone.

I clocked in and walked to my manager, Jamie's office, it's not weird to have a guy manager here since he's gay and he's always been my biggest supporter.

'Audrey! Oh you look gorgeous today look at them curves..' We both laugh and i sit down in front of his desk, 'What am i wearing tonight? I have trust in you that it's going to look fucking amazing as always.' Jaime takes hold of my hand and pulls me towards the dressing room, i cover my eyes in anticipation waiting for the outfit he has for me today. 'Open your eyes darling.'

(The outfit)

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(The outfit)

My hands fell from my eyes and i stared at the outfit in awe, 'Jaime this is gorgeous. My regulars are going to love me tonight' i giggle to myself and run to put the costume on, when i leave the dressing room jaime claps and his jaw drops. 'Darling you look so sexy, everyone is going to want you!'

As i strut towards to entrance to the stage a few girls who work with me walk past and whistle at me while we all laugh, i turn the corner and catwalk onto the stage.

The cold feel of the metal pile clashes with my hands and i begin to dance, my leg goes around the pole and one hand slides up the pole and the other along my thigh. i jump up and wrap my legs higher up on the pole and take one off and i slide down and every so often spinning my body round on it, a lot of my regulars are in tonight and i drop down and pick some money up, kiss it and tuck it between my boobs.

Once i finish my dance i jump off the stage and begin grinding on customers and shaking my ass onto them, i move my way over to the sofa and see my favourite regular. 'Tristan, here again?' he chuckles and grabs at my waist, 'i've missed seeing you here, i think you know what i want.' He opens up his wallet and hands me a £50 note, i climb onto his lap and wrap my arms round his shoulder and begin to grind on his and nibble his neck every once in a while to tease him.

My hand travels down from his shoulder to his groin and i push down as he groans slightly. 'This is why i tip you princess.' i smile and kiss him on the cheek before getting up and finishing up the dances and heading back to jaime.

'I saw you from the back of the room darling, you're a fucking natural! this is why your my favourite.' i hug him and run to get changed, when i walk back out jamie's gone. 'Wtf?' i say out loud n grab the note that's on his desk, 'had to leave, saw a fight outside on the cameras. see you tomorrow.' i roll my eyes and grab the money i got for today and count it up, '£800? fucking hell.' i shove the money in my bag and before i left the door i heard my name being shouted, 'fuck sake another regular wants me.' i mumble to myself before turning round and my stomach drops immediately.

Alissia, my own fucking cousin is sat at the bar, a disgusted look spread across her face, i spin round and run out the door and to my car as fast as i could. 'FUCK!' my head slams against my car window and i drive home, trying to convince myself it wasn't Alissia.


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