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⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!: please be aware that this chapter includes huge trigger warnings such as r@pe and abuse. If these sort of things will make you uncomfortable or trigger you, please stop reading.⚠️⚠️
'Is she awake?'

'Clearly not are you stupid.'

'At least we found her before Tom did.'

I slowly woke up to hear people talking, i remembered collapsing and i had no clue where i was, did tom find me before Will did?

My eyes slowly fluttered open and i found my self in a red room, the men who were with me where not looking at me and were talking to each other not realising i had woken up, i took this chance to take in my surroundings and began to look around.

What the actual fuck is this room..

The room was pure red and i looked around to see myself tied up to a huge king sized bed, black curtains covered the bed and my legs were spread far apart tied to the end of the bed with ropes, my wrists ached like shit so i looked up to see them handcuffed to the headboard of the bed, as i glanced to my side sex toys were spread across a table which was placed next to the bed, a big TV was on the wall infront of me i when i checked to see what clothes i was wearing, i had nothing on.

'Oh your finally awake! You really thought you could run away didn't you sweetheart.' I shuddered at his words and spun my head to see Will approaching the bed i was in, 'We're so lucky we found you before Tom did, he really didn't want to give you away but unfortunately he had no choice, if you behave you can go home soon.' he smiled down at me and i sat in silence and tried to wriggle myself free of the ropes and handcuffs, Will laughed at sat on the edge of the bed.

He looked over to the man he was previously talking to, 'Max, leave.' his voice was stern and serious, it terrified me. Max quickly left the room and closed the door behind him, Will turned to me once again and smiled weakly at me before running his fingers up and down my body. 'Get the fuck away from me Will!' i shouted at this disgusting man and tried to move myself far away from him, it was no luck.

Wills hands reached over me as he grabbed something that looked like.. a gag?! 'Are you fuck putting that onto my face you fucking freak!' i shouted at loud as i could and moved my face side to side as quick and i could and moved my body around with everything i had, will grabbed my face and wrapped his hand around my neck, causing me to cough and gag, 'Let me go!' i began to feel dizzy as the gag was placed into my mouth, and i couldn't speak.

He released his hand and i tried to catch my breath, but struggled due to what he'd put in my mouth. His fingers circled around my nipples and around my stomach and he began to take his top off. 'Be quiet sweetheart, this won't last long.'

Next thing i knew will was naked, he licked his lips at me before leaning down and sucking on my neck, i tried to fight it but what could i do? i was trapped. He left marks all down my body and he punched at my nipples and i winced, i couldn't let this cunt think that i felt good, because i fucking didn't...

His kisses led all the way down to my thighs and he sucked on my clit a few times, i made no sound apart from muffled shouts of 'Get off me!' and tears streamed down my face, i couldn't do anything, he was going to rape me.

My head tilted back instead of watching him violate my body in the way he was, all i could think about was Tom, why did he do this to me? is that all i was to him? a game?! Suddenly, Will had thrusted into me, i screamed as loud as i could in pain but he didn't stop, his slight moans and grunts filled the room and i couldn't hear or think anything anymore, all i could feel was him, inside of me, raping me.

I felt his warm liquid spill out inside of me, i was in pain and sobbing, will had to force my pussy to be wet by adding lube all over, he didn't like that.

'Good girl princess, you'll get used to it.' Will pulled out and got dressed, taking the gag out of my mouth and placing it back onto the table. 'If i uncuff you and let you take a shower, are you going to run away?' i froze, i knew i needed to gain his trust in order to escape, i shook my head and i felt a wave of relief as the rope and handcuffs fell off my body, as i tried to leave the bed i fell, my legs wouldn't move.

I was dragged up and placed in the shower by Will, 'Im going to stay in here and watch, i don't trust you.' I pushed him out the bathroom hard 'FUCK OFF!' i screamed and locked the door, there was no fucking windows in here anyway so there was no way i could escape.


He had raped me everyday for the past 2 weeks, my legs were unable to move and i couldn't leave, the whole house was blocked off, Will didn't trust me one bit so i was locked in the sex room as i paced round slightly going fucking crazy, i just wanted to go home.

A knock at the door slapped me out of the state i was in. 'Fuck off Will, i'll fucking kill you if you try that shit again.' my eyes began to water and i stepped back into the corner of the room as the door began to unlock, the door creaked open and there he stood, not Will, not Max.


'Tom? what the fuck how are you here!' he ran towards me and picked me up, cradling me in his arms as i cried out every tear left in my body. 'I'm sorry Audrey i'm sorry, he was going to kill Bill they had his hostage i had to do it i'm sorry.' i cried and cried into his neck and shoulder before he lifted my head up with his chin, 'We need to go, now.' i nodded and Tom flew out of the room, still holding me and gun in hand, he ran down the stairs and 2 of Wills men came crashing into the living room, to which Tom shot them both dead, the men gurgling and choking on their own blood, we continued to run and he burst out the front door, shooting 6 more guards and he threw me over the gate and i landed in another pair of hands, Bills, 'Bill! Oh my god..' 'Audrey, you look horrible, you're going to be okay i promise.' Tom hopped the gate and we all made it back Toms car, and sped back to the house.

I was safe...

DISCLAIMER: The story will have 3/4 more chapters and will finish, i may come out with a book 2 or a new story will start! comment what you'd like me as i'm stuck on that decision.

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