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Soon enough the time rolled to 7pm, Jaime rang me and asked me to come in early because he had heard that we had a few V.I.Ps tonight and as i was one of his best dancers, i had to be there.

My hands were still a bit stained from Alissias blood earlier so i scrubbed them as clean as i could before throwing on some simple black shorts and a oversized jumper, i would be getting changed anyways so my outfit didn't matter.

As i drove to the club my stomach began to turn, like i had a feeling something would happen tonight, i shook it off and kept driving, but my head wouldn't focus, all i needed to do was get to the club and dance, that was it.

It didn't take long for Jaime to almost drag me out my car and throw an outfit at me, 'Darling i picked something extra sexy for you tonight due to who's coming, i'm not sure who they are but we'll soon find out!' I sighed and shoved his shoulder before going to change, when i strutted out the changing area jaime clapped his hands in excitement.

It didn't take long for Jaime to almost drag me out my car and throw an outfit at me, 'Darling i picked something extra sexy for you tonight due to who's coming, i'm not sure who they are but we'll soon find out!' I sighed and shoved his shoulder ...

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(The outfit)

'Jaime, it's very uhm, glittery?' i laughed and jaime hugged me 'you look gorgeous sweetheart, you'll do great tonight' i gave him a sweet smile before hearing my name being changed from the crowd, as i was walking to the stage my heart began to pound, who where the V.I.Ps?
The club had gone from somewhat loud, to the loudest i had heard a strip club ever go as almost everyone had starting chanting someone's name, Audrey.

I spun around on my chair to see one of the most sexy looking women i had ever laid my eyes on, her black shiny hair flowed long down her back and down to her hips, her eyes twinkled under the clubs lights and her body, oh her body was breath taking, her tits sat perfectly on her body and her waist was thin, her ass was shaped perfectly and as she climbed onto the pole i shoved my way to the front of the crowd, mesmerised by her presence.

The way her body moved was like a wave, she made no mistakes in her dance and money was flying around the club like a rainstorm, i had never been able to describe how beautiful a girl was before, but fuck me was she gorgeous.
There was one man i had my eyes on the entire dance, he had long black dreads with a black and white bandana tied around his head, his style was unlike the boys at my school and in my opinion, he was 100% the V.I.P and he kind of looked like a gang member, a fit one to be exact.

He stood was 3 other men who didn't catch my eye as much as he did, after my dance was finished he beckoned me over and i asked if he wanted a dance. 'Well why else would i call you over hm?' his eyes were dark and they kind of terrified me, so i did my dance just so he would be pleased.

I climbed off his lap and went to move on to the other customers, but he grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit down.

'I think we need to talk, somewhere private.'

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