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A few hours flew by and Jaime left to go back into his office, in those hours i'd drank way too much and was stumbling across the dance floor and bumped into a tall, light skinned man. 'Oh i'm sorry.' i said, hiccuping very loudly. 'Don't worry about it, you look like your alone, is there anyone you need help finding?' the man looked down at me and smiled, i shook my head in an answer to his question, thanked him for forgiving me and began to walk away, he then grabbed ahold of my arm and starting taking me to one of the private rooms.

'Your obviously lost. come into this room it's much quieter and we can speak more clearly.' I suddenly had that horrid gut feeling and tried to wriggle myself out of the hold he had on my arm, 'Let me go please i know where i'm going!' my words were ignored and i was shoved into a room, sat on the sofa was another man, with three drinks on the table. 'Sit down and have a drink, it's only water and it will sober you up a bit.' I knew i wouldn't be able to leave so i sucked it up and drank the water, both men stared me down as i drank, what was going on?

It wasn't water that they gave me.

My vision began to blur and my words were heavily spurred and as i tried to stand up i immediately collapsed onto the floor, the man who brought me in picked me back up and i used all the strength i had left in me to kick about and shout for Toms name, but in reality my kicks were about as strong as a baby's punches and my shouting sounded like a whisper, my vision got worse and before i knew it something sharp penetrated into my arm, a needle.

Everything went black.

'Where the fuck did Audrey go?' I nudged Bills shoulder and he shrugged before looking around the crowded club, I remember her telling me she was heading to the bathroom and she never came back, and out of the corner of my eye i spotted two very tall men carrying a somewhat unconscious girl towards the front door, without a doubt that girl was Audrey.

I grabbed bill and gustav plus georg caught on to what was going on, my hand grabbed the cold metal of my gun and we ran out the doors, leaving Riley, Cece and Kia to get home themselves.

We were quick, but not quick enough, a dark blue sports car sped out of the clubs parking lot, in no matter of time all 4 of us were in our cars, speeding down empty roads following the car, my eyes darted to the number plate, 'ZL19 83G' Zander Langalo, one of our top rivals, 1983, the year the gang was created.

The car pulled into a massive warehouse, the 2 men left there cars and ran into the warehouse, Audreys body lying limp in one of their arms. We all shot out of our own cars and sprinted inside, 'Zander where the FUCK are you.' I screamed around the place and my voice echoed, footsteps made their way across the floor upstairs and i shot up there, Bill gustav and georg close behind, guns in hand.

Voices began to flood into my ears and my vision slowly began to come back, where the fuck was i?

Slowly, i sat up and looked around, i was sat in the corner of a dirty and cold room and a man was sat behind a desk with his back turned to me, i knew not to talk, it would just get me killed. All i could think about in that moment was about Tom, was he coming to save me? Or did he fuck me off and leave me to die.

My body was weak and i could barely move, the more awake i became the more i realised that there was a radiator next to me, it was on, and boiling, but i was freezing and i looked down to see my fingers a very light shade of blue, what the fuck did they inject into me?

I gained a bit of strength and moved myself up more against the wall, trying to regain more strength to be able to beat the shit out of this guy and leave the warehouse, unfortunately i made too much noise and the chair he was sat at spun around, a shiny metal gun was pointed straight at me...

'Well well well, Audrey Gonzalez, we've been looking for you for a long time now princess, it's so unfortunate that your saviour Tom isn't here to save you, just shows how much he didn't fucking want you.' the man laughed to himself and stood up, picking up a sharp knife off his desk and kneeling in front of me, i couldn't speak, i couldn't move, all i could do was feel the tears pouring out of my eyes.

And i'm back! the recovery from my surgery took a bit longer than expected but i've felt well enough to post a new chapter today, my heads literally so off task at the moment so the chapter is very shit today, i still hope you enjoyed it though!!

When i'm fully recovered (hopefully in about 2 days) a new and better chapter will be out, and again thank you all for the support this story has gotten i appreciate it so so so much.

Love ya!

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