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Seeing Alissia last night has made me unable to sleep, she hasn't messaged me at all so i'm praying so hard it wasn't her and it was someone else. I checked the time to see it was 5am, i had 2 hours to get to school.

'Fuck!' i shouted and got up to run in the shower, once i got out i flung my wardrobe open and hurriedly tried to find an outfit. The time was now 6:14am and i had to leave the house in 45 mins, i was gonna be so fucking late.

Finally i had found an outfit and jumped to put it on before starting my hair and makeup.

(The outfit)

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(The outfit)

(The outfit)

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(The hair)

(The makeup)——————By the time i left it was 7:24am, i was 24 minutes late to leaving and my shoes were still half on

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(The makeup)
By the time i left it was 7:24am, i was 24 minutes late to leaving and my shoes were still half on. I grabbed my keys and sprinted towards my car, then running back out because i forgot to lock the door. 'What the fuck is wrong with me today?!' my questions to myself were left unanswered and i got to school 35 minutes late.

Walking into school felt like i was doing a walk of shame, almost every kid in the hallway stood staring at me and pointing, some even laughed. It felt as if they knew something i didn't, or they knew something i didn't want them too...

It sure was fucking Alissia last night, and the little bitch told everyone.

There she was, stood with all of her little friends giggling and whispering about something, luckily her back was turned and her friends paid no attention to me anyways, so i grabbed the back of her ponytail and swung her into a locker next to us. 'What the actual fuck is wrong with you Alissia you fucking whore!' i screamed slamming her head into the metal locker. My hand wrapped around her throat as she began to shake beneath me.

'A- Audrey.. I'm s-s-sorry!' she was struggling to talk and i pushed firmer down on her throat. I felt my other hand rise into a fist and i punched her straight round the face, she fell to the floor, letting out a shriek on her way down and started crying. A huge crowd gathered around us as i began screaming at her. 'Do you realise how much this will fuck my life up you prick?!' i kicked the side of her head and her friends backed away, whispering as they went.

I shouted her for a long time and kept kicking her with all i could till the principal dragged me away, leaving Alissia crying and bleeding.

My parents couldn't attend the school to hear what had happened because they were in a business trip for the next 5 months, so the principal told me i was suspended for the next 4 days and was banned from school premises until the 4 days were up; I didn't say a word and stormed out of her office, the eyes of everyone following me on my way out.

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