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We had made our way through the whole entire warehouse, I had just shot three other men and was about to go into another room, until i heard bill shout for me, 'I found her Tom!' I had never ran so fast in my life, we finally found her, she was going to be okay.

Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav suddenly burst into the room that i was in, my vision was heavily blurred and my hearing was extremely muffled, but i saw them, they were here.

Tom grabbed me and picked me up, gunshots fired all around the room and i could faintly hear a body drop to the floor, Tom spoke to me and shouted my name, but everything was going black and I fell unconscious, not knowing anything that was going on.
I woke up in a dark room, a warm hand gripped onto mine and my head sunk further into the pillow i lay on, did Tom save me? Or am i dead and dreaming.

'Audrey? Are you awake?' Tom whispered into the echoed room, i slowly turned my head towards his and gave a soft smile, he saved me. I used some of the strength i had gained back to lightly squeeze his hand and tried to sit up, but i was pushed back down and lifted out of the bed, where were we going?

Tom carried me up the stairs and i began to see light and with a closer look i noticed we were walking into the kitchen, everyone in the house was stood around the kitchen island, heads down and feet tapping on the floors, hearing toms steps everyone looked up and gasped when they saw me in his arms, smiling weakly and eyes open. 'Oh my fucking god you're alive?!' Riley shouted out and all 3 girls ran towards me and tom set me down on the floor and the girls all pulled me into a huge hug, luckily they held me up as i would've fell over if i didn't have support.

'Oh Audrey you look ten times better, we thought you were fucking dead, your heart stopped!' I froze, 'What do you mean my heart stopped?' I tilted my head to the side in confusion and Tom stepped forward and began to explain what had happened. 'After you fell unconscious, Kia sat in the back of my car with you keeping her hand and finger on your pulse, we couldn't take you to the hospital because the remaining members of the gang would've gone straight there, putting you in more danger, your pulse stopped and a private doctor pronounced you dead, when we did more research we found out that the shit you were injected with stops the heart for around 10 minutes, before you regain consciousness.' My jaw was open in shock, i was dead?

The rest of the conversation went by in a blur, everyone trying to ask me questions and all i could do was zone out and stare at the ongoing fireplace, Tom nudged me and handed me some food, 'Eat the food Audrey, you'll get sick if you don't.' I reluctantly picked up the chips tom had gave me and ate, i ate all of it and the ran to the bathroom to throw up, apparently i ate too quick and it all just came back up, i felt fine after thought and luckily i wasn't forced to eat anything else.

Im ever so sorry for the short and VERY shit chapter, i've got a cold and a banging headache and i'm really sorry for not posting in so long, i promise i'll be back up to date soon.
Thank you for almost 200 reads! i love you all and have an amazing week. 💞

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