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Tom drags me outside and pulls me behind a corner where nobody's watching, the friends he was with walk out behind us and corner me, one of them is the same height as tom, with black spiky hair and black makeup, the other is a bit shorter with long brown hair and the shortest one is a bit chubby, and he looks harmless.

'You haven't even told me your name, and your pulling me out in the fucking freezing cold and cornering me with all your little mates, what do you want.' i cross my eyes and look him dead in the eye, he begins to talk. 'My name is tom, and don't fucking speak to me like that who the fuck do you think you are?'

He grabs both of my wrists and keeps talking. 'I've taken a liking to you Audrey, and i think you should come with me.' his eyes widened and his friends get closer. 'You've known me for 20 minutes and you've somehow taken a liking to me? fuck right off.' i scoff and push them out the way, walking back into the club, fucking weirdos.

As soon as i think i've gotten away i feel my hair get yanked back as i fall onto my arse, shrieking in pain, 'What the fuck?!' i shout out before tom comes in front of me and grabs me up by my waist, throwing me over his shoulder, i begin kicking and screaming 'Someone help me! Please!' i know there are people around but they just stand there, doing nothing. 'Your all pussies! some fucking help me!'

I punch tom in the back and kick him in the chest and he continues to carry me, 'Audrey, if you want a fucking gun to your head, carry on, if not then i suggest you shut the fuck up.' I freeze, was he being serious?

My head whacks the top of the car as he shoves me in the backseat, the long haired one and chubby one climb in next to me, i spot the guns in there lap's glimmering in the moonlight and before i could began shouting again, something was put over my head, and i couldn't shout anymore.

All 4 boys talked the whole way back to wherever we were going, i tried to scream but my throat was left hurting and hoarse plus my shouting was muffled and most likely silent because of the shit on my head. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but i could somehow make out a few sentences, and words like my name, and a few other things about me. How did they know who i was? The car pulled to a stop and i was yanked out by fuck knows who, a few minutes later the bag was pulled off my head, and i was in a basement.

From afar || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now