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(TW: SMUT⚠️⚠️)
The months that flew by after the incident was chaotic, there was now even more gang fights than ever before because now they had found out about me and wanted me as their slave. Tom had to hire even more bodyguards plus keep some in the house with me.

Tom shook me awake, 'Audrey, you need to get up princess.' i muffled a few words and rolled over onto my stomach, spreading out like a starfish. Tom chuckled to himself 'If you can't get up ill just carry you' and out of nowhere my body was lifted up into the air and was placed on cold plastic, i was too tired to notice it until the water hit my face, the bastard just put me in the shower!

'What the fuck!' I screamed, thrashing myself about to get the water off of me and Tom laughed harder than he ever has before, he turned the water off before turning to me again 'You may aswell get in the shower now and get changed, there's something really special waiting for you downstairs' My head tilted in an act of confusion but i got up anyway and kicked Tom hard in the shin, he cried out and gave me a scowl before leaving the bathroom 'And get on a really nice outfit trust me darling.' i rolled my eyes and got into the shower, warm water trickling down my back.

Soon enough i was ready and followed Toms words to pick a good outfit for today, it was summer once again so it was going to be warm, and if it's some kind of special day it's got to be really good. and suddenly i knew exactly what to wear and began to claw through my wardrobe to find it

(the outfit)As i made my way down the stairs the very muffled talking i could hear went completely quiet, what the fuck was going on? the voices came from the kitchen so i turned the corner and i saw it, birthday banners and presents all over the ...

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(the outfit)
As i made my way down the stairs the very muffled talking i could hear went completely quiet, what the fuck was going on? the voices came from the kitchen so i turned the corner and i saw it, birthday banners and presents all over the table, everyone screamed happy birthday and birthday poppers went off. that was it! the amount of time i had spent here and the chaos that had gone on made me forget it was my own fucking birthday.

I huggged everyone tightly and we all talked and laughed while i opened my presents, the most expensive and gorgeous things were opened and tom
made me wait to open a certain one till last, and said it was the most expensive.

Finally, all the presents were opened and tom slid the last, and smallest present over to me, my heart pounding in my chest in excitement and anticipation because what could be so expensive hiding in this tiny box, i unraveled the ribbon and lifted the lid with my eyes tight shut, i heard 3 of the girls scream and opened my eyes to find myself screaming even louder, 'Tom you got me a fucking car?!' I ran out my seat and jumped onto him wrapping my legs round his waist and beginning to kiss him, god i had never wanted him to fuck me so badly, the way i felt him smile as we kissed and i slowly felt tom walking somewhere, we were going upstairs.

My back hit the bed and i sat up against the headboard and stared at tom, he smirked before removing his shirt, trousers and stood in front of me in boxers, he climbed onto the bed and lifted the straps of my dress down, pulled them off my wait and threw it onto the floor, i smirked as he looked down and his jaw clenched, 'really audrey, no pants?' i giggled and toms hand grabbed my chin and he leaned in towards me, kissing me and biting on my bottom lip, he thrust his hard buldge against my already wet clit, a slight moan escaping my mouth and as he did it over and over again and now sliding his hand onto my nipples, playing with my tits, loud moans were echoing through the room.

He slid his tongue out of my mouth and began kissing all down my stomach, his tongue circling my nipple as i moaned out for him, he got further down and kissed my inner thigh, making me even more wet than i already was. His tongue slightly grazed against my swollen clit and his fingers circled my opening, 'Tom please..' he looked up at me and smirked, 'are you sure?' I nodded and let my head sink into the pillow, toms tongue began sucking and licking at my clit, loud moans left my mouth and he began to pump two fingers inside of me and my hands grabbed at his hair, i could already feel the orgasm climbing and tom removed his fingers and took his tongue off my clit, and went further down to my opening, the cold metal of his lip ring made me shiver and suddenly his tongue was inside of me, licking against my walls and my climax reached even further.

'Tom i'm going to-' my sentence couldn't even finish as the orgasm hit, my moans were loud and i whimpered his name, my legs felt warm and the spasm stopped and toms lips crashed onto mine, he pulled away and ripped his boxers off, his hands spread my legs even further apart 'i'll go easy on you baby.'

'Don't, fuck me like you hate me Tom.'

I shouldn't of said that, the second those words left my mouth tom thrusted hard into me, i screamed out in pain and in pleasure, his dick pumped hard and fast in and out of me, the tip of it hitting my g-spot over and over again, both of us moaned and i cried out his name, i flipped us over and suddenly i was on top of him, sinking down even further than i had before, toms hands help my hips and guided me, 'it's t-too much.' i whimpered, knowing i couldn't take anymore, 'You can take it princess, go all the way down like a good girl.' i did as he asked and went all the way down, my legs shaking and toms hands began to lift me up and down on his dick, going faster and faster, the climax built in my body and as toms fingers applied the smallest pressure, i snapped.

The orgasm ripped through me and it felt as it my whole body was crumbling, tom flipped us both over and i felt warm liquid spill out inside of me, he pulled out and we both fell onto our pillows and stared up at the ceiling.

'I don't even know what to say.'



I love you all more than words can explain, thank you!

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