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Kia had left my side to go do her jobs for today and audrey tapped me on the shoulder as i was grabbing a leftover salad from the fridge. 'Bill, is it? Can i have some food Tom hasn't fed me.' I stare at her blankly and roll my eyes as i slide the salad over, she smiles and heads to the counter, eating MY food.

'You have jobs to do today, and i suggest you do them. Kia, Cece and Riley will be around the house doing their own jobs, they'll help you.' i tell her, she looks up at me and scoffs, 'why the fuck should i do that, i ain't no slave.' she leaves the dirty bowl on the side and struts away, i grab her shoulder and spin her back round. 'Audrey don't be fucking difficult, just do it.'

She rolls her eyes. 'Fine, what do i need to do.' I grab some paper from my back pocket and read it out, 'Wash the dishes, clean toms room and bathroom and hoover the living room.' Audrey grabs the paper then walks away, damn she is a bitch.
A girl comes up to me as i'm doing the dishwasher and starts helping me, 'Are you toms new slave? I'm Kia, bills.' She has a huge smile on her face and i smile back. 'You probably shouldn't be helping me, Kia.' She shrugs and backs away, 'Cece and Riley are in the garden, is that your last job?'I put the last dish in the cupboard and wipe my hands, 'i'll come out with you now actually.' she grabs my hand and takes me to the garden.

Cece and Riley start asking me a billion question about tom, 'Have you fucked yet? i bet it's fucking massive' Cece giggles, i laugh and roll my eyes 'girl, he kidnapped and beat me i ain't fuckin him anytime soon.' they asked if he's been nice yet and a bunch of other questions, all of them i answered.

'So, who's gustavs so called slave and who's georg's?' i ask, i find out that riley is georg's  and cece is gustavs. I had so many questions about the boys but then tom came into the garden and grabbed my wrist, 'did you do your jobs today?' 'yes.' i answered, tom raised his eyebrows and pulled me up, away from the girls.

Not even 5 minutes later i was finding an outfit for the race tonight, Riley had told me about the races and i was terrified of fast driving cars, i tried to debate and argue with tom about going but it just ended in yet another bruise on my body. Finally i found an outfit that pleased mine and toms eyes, and got changed.

 Finally i found an outfit that pleased mine and toms eyes, and got changed

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(the outfit)

'Fuck your ass looks good in that skirt.' tom smirks and i feel a sharp slap onto my ass, 'That hurt you dick!' i jokingly slap tom across the face and he laughs before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. My stomach got that weird feeling again and i shook it off to start doing my hair and makeup, i put my hair into a half up half down clawgrip after curling it and fuck i looked hot.

But i couldn't stop thinking about tom, why was i falling for an abusive gang member?


Tom and I climbed out of his car and i turned to see the others following behind us, a massive crowd began screaming and shouting the boys names and i rolled my eyes as a few girls came over and started asking for toms autograph, he smirked at them and held one of the girls by the waist and led her away from the crowd, why was i jealous? I was just a 'slave' to him.

I decided to sneak round to the place that tom had took the girl, i peeked round the corner to see them fucking in an alleyway, the dirty tramps. i had to quickly whip my head away from the corner as both of them started dressing themselves back up again, but then i heard my name, what the fuck?

'Soooo Tommy, who's your new slave? Audrey, is it?' the girl giggled and tom scoffed, 'don't talk shit on her Yumeko, she's a better slave then you ever where, your a whore.' Yumeko gasped and started speaking again. 'A whore?! Tommy you know you want me back, Audreys dressed like a slut tonight, i bet she's snorting lines right now, come on let me be your ride tonight!' I heard a slap echo through the alleyway, 'Fucking dare say something stupid like that again i'll blow your brains out Yumeko, and quit calling me tommy.'

The way Yumeko spoke about me made rage run through my head, who did she think she was? I forgot about hiding and walked into the alleyway, Tom glared me down but Yumeko smirked at me, 'Watching us were you? I bet tom doesn't fuck you like he fucks me.' I get in her face and push her back 'Why would i watch your skanky ass get fucked by an abuser? And i snort lines do i? wasn't it you that i saw ten minutes ago lighting a spliff with your mates?' Yumeko paused and clenched her fists before lunging towards me.

Before she could even touch me i grabbed her and swung her into the nearby wall, she cried out in pain and i stomped her head into the concrete, climbing on top of her as i began to punch her, she started grabbing at my hair and trying to pull me off of her but i grabbed both of her hands and pinned them back down to her side, i used one her to choke and and the other kept punching her.

Toms hands soon yanked me off of Yumeko, who was covered in blood and her face was blue, fuck, did i just kill her?

I'm really sorry for the long chapters! thank you guys for all the new reads and please let me know how the story's going in your opinion in comments.

Love ya❤️

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