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We got home later that night after the race and i quickly went into the bathroom is bandage my wrists up, after i killed Yumeko i threw up in the back of toms car, which unfortunately caused my head to be smashed into his front seat headboard, i placed a plaster onto the cut on my forehead and headed out the bathroom.

I headed downstairs to grab a drink, Kia and the girls told me we were all drinking tonight because the boys had one another race, which also meant we're all getting fucked. Tom looked me up and down before smirking at me, 'Suprised you came back down, i would've dragged you either way but that's no fun is it?' i scoffed and pushed past him and poured my self a vodka, then walked over to the girls and sat inbetween Cece and Kia.

'So, Yumekos dead now isn't she audrey?' cece giggled and i shoved her shoulder 'She looked like a whore anyways cece, i threw up after and tom went mad.' I pointed to the plaster on my forehead and Kia placed her head on my lap.

After a few hours all 4 of us girls were drunk, i sloppily made my way over to tom and grabbed his face, kissing him harshly, his hands traveled down to my ass and grabbed at me with force, he picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist before he started to carry me up to his room, tom was drunk too so he about fell down the stairs, but he had good balance.

Not even 5 seconds later i was thrown onto the bed and left in only a bra and thong, tom was in his boxers and his buldge was pressing against me. i let out a few whines and his tounge slipped into my mouth and he forefully ripped off what was left on my body, his hands grabbed at my tits and he played with my nipples, causing me to moan.

He started kissing me from my lips to my inner thigh, leaving hickeys all down my body. I was already wet and tom began sucking and licking at my clit, i moaned loudly and my legs tightened around his head, suddenly his tounge slipped into my entrance and his tounge began moving around, licking at my walls, i grabbed the bed sheets and lifted my hips up. 'Tom.. i'm gonna cum.' i whispered and he kept going, the pressure built up and js as i was about to realease, he stopped.

'Not yet baby, hold on for me.'

Tom pulled his boxers down and his hard dick bounced out of his boxers, fuck now i know why all the girls wanna shag him. I felt him thrust into me and i screamed in pain, i'd never taken something this big and i felt the walls around his dick tighten. 'Fuck your so tight.' tom grunted and thrusted hard into me, my moans almost echoed through the room and his headboard was banging loud and fast against his wall.

I felt the pressure built up, 'I'm gonna cum..' i moaned before releasing onto toms dick, he moaned and thrusted once more into me before i felt his warm liquid spill out inside me. He pulled out and flopped down  next to me, both of us trying to catch our breaths.

'Fucking hell.' i said, rolling over and staring into his eyes, i know he kidnapped me but i felt like we had something, jesus christ i have a problem.

Tom kissed me lightly and pulled me into his body and we fell asleep, cuddling and safe in each others arms...

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