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I could never thank Tom enough for saving me that day, if he left me there i would've died and he knows that too, he explained why he left me and to be honest, i didn't really care i was just so happy he saved me.

Tonight we were going out to the club once again, it was late afternoon at this point so i had around four hours to get ready, i finished my chores for the day once again and hopped in the shower, the water ran down my back and trickled onto the floor, the cuts and bruises from Will stung as water fell past them, it felt so relieving to wash his touch and hands off of me, i felt at home again.

'Audrey, are you ready? we're going.' Toms voice shouted up the stairs just as i slipped on my heels, my heart pumped with energy and the adrenaline of going to the club was flowing through my body, why was i so exited? fuck knows but i think one of the reasons was that Riley told me she overheard the boys talking about how there bringing all sort of fucking drugs, shit that i hadn't even heard of before. 'AUDREY COME ON' I ran down the stairs and Tom gently took my hand, leading me out the door and towards his car, 'you look beautiful darling.' he spoke softly towards me and i giggled before turning my head away from his gaze, the ride to the club didn't take long and surprisingly we didn't go to my old work place, this was a new location.

We headed in and us four girls immediately ran to the bar and ordered as many shots as we could before the bartender told us to slow down, I had already begun feeling dizzy and i felt toms warm hands clasp around my waist and digging a pill into my palm, 'take this, trust me you'll forget about everything.' he walked away towards bill and my mind went blank and everything around me stopped, i'd never taken pills before so i had absolutely no fucking clue what was going to happen to me, what was even in this anyways? 'fuck it' i thought before popping the pill into my mouth and walking towards the dance floor with my arm wrapped around Kias

It didn't take long for the drugs to kick in, out of nowhere a burst of energy flowed through my veins and ran in my blood, it felt like nobody was watching me anymore and before i had the pill i was ready to fall asleep right on this club floor, but now i felt more awake than ever, like i'd just had 24 hours of sleep, Kia's kicked in too and we both started dancing like no one else was near us, screaming the lyrics of the songs playing and literally acting like eight year old little girls, i spotted Tom in the corner drinking, i stumbled over and babbled about fuck knows what while Tom just stared at me and started laughing, 'i'm guessing the pill kicked in then yeah?'

'Fuck yeah!'

short and shit chapter today guys! the next chapter is going to be the last one, i'm so sad to finish this story i have loved updating and reading the comments on different chapters but a new book will be coming out soon! i have no fuckin clue what it's going to be about but your all gonna love it. and i love you!

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