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'Get up.'

'Audrey wake up!'

I felt a sharp slap across my face and shot up to see tom staring right back at me, 'What the fuck was that for?' i shouted, rubbing my eyes and getting out of the bed, tom pointed to the clock beside the bed and it read 13:28pm. 'Fuck i slept late' i said, 'no shit. get ready we're going out, and i'm warning you if you make a sound your head will be blown apart.' my mouth and eyes widened at tom's words, i knew not to argue so i ran to grab an outfit and went into the bathroom.

(the outfit) After i got changed i did my makeup and put my hair up into a loose ponytail, tom was stood at the doorframe waiting for me and when we got to the cars everyone was waiting for me, my face started to go red out of embarrassment and to...

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(the outfit)
After i got changed i did my makeup and put my hair up into a loose ponytail, tom was stood at the doorframe waiting for me and when we got to the cars everyone was waiting for me, my face started to go red out of embarrassment and tom shoved me into the back of the car, all 4 cars sped off and soon enough we were speeding down the roads, cars swerved to get out our ways and we arrived at an unusual place, a random car park.

'Tom wtf is going on?' i asked, he spun round to look at me. 'We're meeting with our biggest gang rival today, they owe us a lot of money, and if you want to keep your life stay in the fucking car, don't pull no stupid shit.' i nodded and tom left the car, leaving me alone and scared.

I watched as the men all gathered in front of each other, guns in hand and clearly arguing, my hand was rested onto the door handle and i guess i looked too close in, because my hand slipped and the door opened, and i collapsed onto the concrete beneath me.

Everyone's heads spun round, all eyes were on me, i slowly stood up and began to back away and get back into the car, i made eye contact with tom, who looked furious, but also scared. 'Ah, is this your new slave tom? she's a pretty one.' a tall, tanned man began walking towards me, tattoos spread all across both arms and some on his face and neck, i froze in fear as his hand grazed my chin. 'Let go of her Kilan.' tom boomed to him, Kilan let go of me and turned to tom. 'Sticking up for her? you've never done that before over a pet..' he turned back to me and wrapped his arm round my neck, the cold metal of his gun was placed on my temple, 'unless she's something more?' Kilan laughed loudly and dragged me over to where everyone was stood.

'If she moves, she dies.' Said Kilan, i knew he was serious but my fight or flight kicked in, and i chose to fight.

I grabbed the gun and twisted Kilans arm, he shouted out in pain and i grabbed the gun from his hand, walking backwards and pointing it at him, the men in his gang raised there guns, so did toms gang. 'Little girl you don't know what you're doing here, give me the fucking gun before you hurt yourself.' Kilans voice went through one ear and out the other, all my focus was on the gun, and who id shoot it at.

Suddenly i remembered the money tom told me about in the car, and this was gang fights, clearly someone was going to die out of one of both gangs to get the money, and it was going to be Kilan.

I cocked the gun and pointed it straight at his chest, all men on his gang pointed their guns at me and toms gang stood next to me, my finger shakily went to the trigger, i closed my eyes as i pulled it, my body falling to the ground from the impact of the shot and all i heard was a body drop and guns fire, i opened my eyes to see tom grabbing me and running back to the car, gustav grabbed the bag of money from next to Kilans body and pelted it back to his car, Bill and georg followed.

'I've never been more proud of you Audrey, but you've caused huge shit now.' i threw the gun out of the car door and all 4 cars sped off, guns still shooting from Kilans gang.

I just killed another person.

And i'm turning into the monster that tom now is...

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