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Warm sunlight crept onto my arm and then across my stomach, i slid my body up on the bed and rubbed my eyes, i turned my head to see tom sleeping next to me, perfect.

My hand tightened into a fist and i punched him straight in the balls, his body shot up and i ran out of the room, soon enough i heard him thundering downstairs towards me, i turned around to see toms hand leering towards me, i ducked and grabbed his wrist, twisting it. 'You bitch!' tom screamed and lunged at me, throwing me to the floor and punching me square in the face.

I spun my body to get on top of him and placed my hands hard around his throat, he tried to cough and used all his energy to start to choke me too, both of our grips were strong but i didn't give up, he had fuck all on me. Tom let go first and his face was bright purple, i let go too as my hands were weak and i can could barely breathe, he threw me off of his chest and dragged me up the stairs. 'Are you a fucking physco? do you wanna fucking die?' he cried while pulling me to his room, i ignored him and he threw me onto the bed, my head hitting the headboard.
Audrey was really something else, i fucking hates her but at the same time when she started fighting me back it turned me on, she wasn't scared like every other girl i've been with but fuck me she needed to listen.

I left her in my room as i headed downstairs to see Bill stood with Kia. 'Have you and Audrey just fucked or something? we heard banging.' I scoffed and opened the fridge, grabbing a can of sprite. 'Nah, just chocked each other out that's all.' Bill stared at me with his mouth and eyes wide open, 'How the fuck have you not killed her yet, if any other one of your slaves did that to you they'd me dead in 2 seconds.' i just shrugged my shoulders and walked back upstairs, i'm going out today, make sure Audrey does her jobs. Bill nodded and i walked away

When i entered my room again Audrey was gone, but i could hear the shower running so i just continued to get ready for work. i pulled out a simple outfit and as i got my shoes on audrey walked out, in only a towel.
Tom wouldn't take his eyes off me the second i walked out the bathroom, i shouted at him to get out but he just smirked and sat on the bed. 'Get changed then.' he said, staring at my body in my thong and bra, fucking perv.

'Fuck no, not with you in here. What's your deal anyways? first of all your kidnap me and leave me in a basement for 3 days and now your being nice to me?' i tilt my head and tom just glares at me and leaves the room 'i'll be back later, listen to what bill, georg or gustav tell you.' i scoff and close the door to get ready.

I open up the wardrobe and pick out a cute outfit, it looks warm out today so i won't bother putting on a jumper.

I open up the wardrobe and pick out a cute outfit, it looks warm out today so i won't bother putting on a jumper

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(the outfit)

After doing my makeup i put my hair into a claw grip and head downstairs to get food, if tom won't get me food i'll get it myself.

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