
489 8 4

7 months

212 days

306600 minutes

That's how long i've lived a life of hell with tom kaulitz and his gang.

I've killed 5 people since the gang fight and i've never felt more guilty, Tom on the other hand has never treated me better and he's made sure i feel like a princess, he hasn't hit me in a while or shouted at me, i've seen him raise a fist a few times towards me but not hit me, i'm kind of grateful, have i changed him?

'Audrey!! Are you exited for christmas?' Kia comes running up to me and jumping, it's 2 days till christmas and the mansion has never looked more festive, everyone is happier then they normally are.

Tom, Bill, Gustav and georg have gone out to deal with a gang today, so it's just me and the girls, we finally finished our chores for the day so we pulled out some gingerbread houses and made it into a competition on who could make the best, and for once in the long time i've been at the house, i felt at home.

'We're back girls.' All 4 boys walked through the door just as we had finished our gingerbread houses, 'What have you done in here? the kitchens a right mess.' tom asked, tilting his head. 'We made gingerbread houses, don't they look amazing?' me and cece nudged each other and started giggling, 'well, we're going clubbing tonight, your coming.' I scoffed but nodded and we were made to clean up the mess we made before going to get ready.

It was cold but i could still look hot as fuck, i painted my nails a dark red and curled my hair and did my makeup in a simple cat eye look. then i picked out my outfit

 then i picked out my outfit

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(the outfit)

Tom came into the bedroom to get me to come downstairs, 'woah, you look..' he stared me up and down and wrapped both hands round my waist and kissed me lightly on the lips 'gorgeous, you look gorgeous.' i blushed and smiled before following him downstairs to see everyone waiting at the door for me and tom, kia's mouth opened in awe 'you look sexy as fuck Audrey.' we both laughed and headed out to the car, before driving to the club.

The club was bright, lights flashed all outside and the music was loud, i recognised the place before something in my mind clicked, this was my old job.

'Tom i can not go in there, that's where i worked!' i buckled my seatbelt back up and crossed my arms, tom looked me dead in the eye and raised one of his eyebrows, 'your coming here wether you like it or not, it'll be fun princess.' i sighed and got out of the car, 'ID please.' the bouncers stared me up and down, like they knew who i was, and they did. 'Tom Kaulitz sir.' both bouncers nodded and let us all through.

Immediately i recognised most of my regulars, and jaime, who was sat at the bar downing about 10 shots at a time. 'I'll be back in a moment tom.' he nodded and i grabbed jamie's shoulder, his eyes widened as he pulled me into one of the most comforting hugs i've had in a while. 'Audrey, is that you? oh darling where have you been!' we hugged for a while and i told him everything, and i mean everything.

'No fucking way.'

I'm sorry for this really bad chapter! i'm sick at the moment so i haven't been posting a new chapter, i will post tomorrow but on wednesday i have an operation so i won't be active. i hope you all are enjoying the story and i appreciate all the support you've all gave me.

I love you all!!

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