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The bag was lifted off my head and my surroundings were filled with a basement, it stunk like a dead body and the walls were covered in rotting blood. I looked up to see Tom stood tall over me, i began shouting.

'What the actual fuck is this? First of all you fucking kidnap me and now you've put me in some shithole of a murder basement!' i screamed in his face and stand up only to be smacked back down by him. 'Audrey there something you need to understand, if you behave and shut that fat mouth of yours, you'll actually enjoy it here, if not then i think you know what will happen.' Suddenly i felt myself being lifted off the floor as i began shouting again and i was thrown against a wall, i yelped out in pain as toms fist came straight towards my face.

He picked my limp body up off the floor and lifted both my arms up, the spikey haired man came behind him with handcuffs and handed them to tom, who began to handcuff me to the wall. 'Get off me! I'll fucking kill you!' i cried out and one of the boys put tape around my mouth as i threw myself around to try escape them. 'Bill, hold her down please.' Bill held my body down as the final handcuff went onto my wrists, my arms began to sting in pain but i couldn't scream due to the tape. Tom then grabbed my legs and handcuffed them too.

A final slap was spread across my face before Tom and Bill walked away, leaving me in the dark and cold.
Bill pulled me aside from Georg and Gustav and started talking. 'Is that Audrey then?' I nodded and we started talking about how difficult she was being. 'I've never had a slave that upset about me taking them, does she know who we are?' i exclaimed, 'clearly not, how long are you gonna leave her down there?' Bill asked, I didn't even know the answer to that myself, i ignored him and walked over to the kitchen, pulling out some of the spare soup we had left and began to cook it up. If Audrey doesn't like it she can starve.
I had no idea what day or time it was, i guessed it has been about 2 days because i've had 6 meals brought to me, three a day. I was covered in brusies and cuts and i refused to eat my last meal which caused tom to hurt me a lot more than he ever has. it left blood all over the floor and i had never felt weaker.

The basement door slowly opened before toms heavy footsteps came down to me. 'Are you gonna be a little bitch again or are you going to behave' he said before i heard keys moving towards my wrists and i felt the pressure of relief surf through my body as i was finally free from the cuffs, i looked down to see deep red marks engraved into my wrists and ankles.

'Leave me the fuck alone Tom, i'd rather die down here than be near you.' he scoffed before picking me up and carrying me out of the basement, my body was too weak to fight so i just fell limp into his arms, praying that was the end of it.


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