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I was busy with my work when the doorbell rang. I just ignored it, continuing with my work. However, it kept ringing like a couple more times, and then I got pissed!

Where was everyone?! I growled lowly as I stood up and went to answer the door. There stood Big, looking a little forlorn and nursing some cuts. This guy was always getting himself into some scuffle.

"Don't you have the keys?" I barked at him.

"Sorry, Sir. I forgot to bring it out." I just nodded and waved him in, going back to my work.

I saw Big limping slowly back towards the guards' room. I just shook my head and went back to my work. It was common in our line of duty, to get injured and whatnot. By the time I was done with my work, it was close to 7 pm.

I kept away my things and went down to the dining room to fix myself dinner. I was having my dinner when I heard a bit of a commotion in the guards' room. I wrapped up my meal and went over to check out the commotion.

"What's going on?!" I roared. Ken and Ping looked at me and gulped whilst Big just stared at me sullenly.

"Nothing, Sir. Apologies for the noise."

I continued staring at them as I knew something was up. Finally, Ping muttered that Big was running a fever and his wound was still bleeding, but he refused to see a doctor.

"Go see a doctor. Why are you so stubborn?"

"I'm fine. They are just exaggerating. Nothing, some first aid and painkillers wouldn't heal."

"Go see a doctor, Big. I am not going to repeat myself. Ken, bring him now. Or else call the family doctor over!"

Big shook his head, saying he would go see the doctor, muttering lowly he would never be able to afford the family doctor. I watched as he hobbled his way out, nagging at Ken for getting him into trouble.

But his words stayed on my mind, and it made me wonder if he was refusing medical treatment due to money.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now