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I sunk into my armchair, thinking about the deceit that had been going on right under my nose.

And I trusted these guys with my life. Had I placed my trust wrongly in everyone? My brain couldn't help but steer towards that path.

I called my Intel guy, determined to do another background check, even more thoroughly on all of my staff. Clearly, the first one hadn't been done properly, or I would have discovered Ping.

I did falter for a bit, wondering if I should investigate on Big, but I was going to be fair. It's either everyone had my trust or no one did.

Meanwhile, I sent my guards to follow the drug lord. I wanted the 24/7 deets on that mother fucker. If he isn't dead by the end of the month, with his empire under my feet, my name wasn't Kinn.

I was talking to my Intel guy when I heard some soft knocks on the door. I told my guy I would call him back and beckoned the visitor in. It was Big.


"Sir, I wanted to tell you something. We all work with you. This Ping incident has taken a toll on us. Especially when it comes to trusting one another. I don't want you to be in distrust around us. I would suggest that you conduct a thorough background check on us again."

"Even you?"

"Why not, Sir? You shouldn't have to be not investigating me."

"But you were the one who found the mole among us. Shouldn't I trust you?"

"No, Sir. It doesn't work that way. You either trust us all or trust no one. You of all people know that best. There shouldn't be an exception towards your men, especially in light of this Ping incident."

I nodded. He nodded at me respectfully and was about to go off.


"Yes, Sir?"

"Have you seen the doctor yet?"

"I did. The family doctor came by. He said employee medical benefits have been revised, and now it's free for all staff. Regardless of designation. Thank you."

I just kept quiet, nodding, and turned away. I waved him off, and he took his leave. However, from my peripheral view, I could see that he stopped briefly for a bit. However, since he didn't say anything, I didn't call him out on it.

I leaned back, realizing that I really had a faithful staff in Big. He could either be the biggest liar or the most faithful of the lot. And right now, even my hardened brain was telling me that he wasn't lying. He really wanted what was best for this place. For me. For my empire.

My thoughts strayed towards him for a bit before I shook it off, delving into my work again. It kept me busy till about dinner time when my dad requested my presence. As I was walking towards the dining hall, I could hear laughter from the guards' room. I peeked in briefly to see the boys fooling around. I looked around but couldn't spot Big at all.

"Looking for someone, Sir?"

I heard Big's soft voice from behind me. I turned around to see him looking at me curiously.

I shook my head, citing all was well and just walked away quickly. It felt odd telling him that I was looking out for him. I have never done that before. Why would I do that now?


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