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I stirred awake. When I finally opened my eyes, I realized I was in the hospital. There appeared to be someone sitting on the chair, eyes closed and arms crossed. I blinked again and looked carefully and tealized it was Kinn!

I tried to reach out to touch him when someone pulled my hand away slowly. I blinked back and realized it was Kinn. He had woken up and stood up excitedly once he realized I was awake. I tried to smile but found myself in pain.

I heard him murmuring on not to move and rest more. I nodded sleepily and started dozing off as I felt Kinn press his lips softly against my forehead.

The next time I woke up, I found myself in a much more familiar environment. I was in his room! But I woke up to finding myself on the drips and an oxygen meter. I tried to sit up, and the nurses helped me up. Guess the team brought us back. It's definitely a better idea to be resting in the Manor over the hospital where we could be attacked.

"How do you feel?" I turned towards my right to see Kinn softly cradling me. I leaned involuntarily into his touch and murmured that I was doing OK. He smiled as he held onto me as gently as he could. I had never seen this side of him, and it was warming my heart greatly. I looked up at him, and he just smiled, kissing me softly on my forehead.

It took well over a week, but I finally recovered. During that time, Kinn kept me firmly in his purview and nursed me back to health personally. I got so used to it that the thought of having to go back to my own guard room made me frustrated, though I knew we could see each other daily.

I was just taking my stuff to go back to my room when he came in. "Where are you off to?"

I looked at him. "Back to my room."


I looked at him confused.

"I'm better. I can't stay here forever, right? Need to go back to my room and my job."

"I'm not stopping you about going back to work. But why back to your room?"

I stared dumbfounded at Kinn. "But Sir.."

Kinn walked over and flicked me on my head!


"Better. Why are you moving? Boyfriends stay together, don't they?"

"Who's your boyfriend? You didn't even..."

I sputtered, completely shy that he was being so casual about it, but he also didn't ask me officially!

"Oh. I didn't realize you wanted to be asked officially. I literally just took care of you like my heart for the past 2 weeks. I didn't realize I had to hand my heart over on a platter officially. Thought it was obvious enough."

I glared at Kinn and was about to hit him when he grabbed me tightly and pulled me towards him.

"Be mine, ok? My star crossed lover."

I tried so hard to fight my smile, but it was a losing battle. I smiled and nodded as Kinn took me into his arms again. It's crazy how I found love and work in the same place.

In the arms of one very star-crossed lover.

With that, this fanfic comes to an end. I hope everyone will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed penning it. Till another #lovewinsall!

Ps: In case you were wondering, the same scene was playing out in Tankhun's room except over there, the roles were reversed and he just couldn't get Ken out of his room who was very determined to take his place in both Tankhun's room and heart.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now